Chapter 11

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Bucky's p.o.v.

I ran to Nightwolf and tackled him to the floor punching and kicking him and soon he was knocked out on the floor. I grabbed the controller and got the cuff of Hope who looked up at me faint.

Bucky/WW: Heyheyheyhey your going to be alright

Hope/SC: it hurts, my head hurts *eyes close*

Ariana/FF: *shifts into fox* *runs to Hope* *whimpers*

Julia/WC: *shifts into bunny* runs to Hope* *puts head in hand*

Margarita: Why does this always happen to her *walks to Hope* *holds her hand*

Bucky/WW: What do you mean

Margarita: this cuff was specifically made for us, nothing else can hold us. It was something Hydra made

She and the other girls (who had shifted back), waved their hands around Hope and healed her by mixing their powers together.

Peter: Wanda, what did you see

Wanda: Hope had black, broken and tattered angel wings and she was on the floor of what looked like a cell in Hydra she was on the floor stuck and someone pulled her up by one of the wings hurting her and I don't know what happened after that

Julia: I remember that, it happened to all of us

Wanda: I saw that to, you had reddish-brown wings, Ariana had deep red and orange wings, and Margarita had really really dark brown wings

The girls all walked to where the dance floor was and stood side by side and said that she was wrong. Margarita had unfolded her wings and they were light brown with specks of yellow, white, and black like a hawk. Ariana opened her wings and they were a vibrant red, orange, and yellow like fire. And Julia's was the most shocking of all with pure white angel wings.

Julia: since I can shift into a snowy owl, I have snow white wings

Margarita: I can shift into a hawk and an eagle, so I have a mix of both in my wings

Ariana: I can turn into a phoenix, a firebird, so I have fire-like wings

Julia: Hope has pure black wings that if they touch any kind of plant, the tips become a green, blue, purple ombre into the black

Ariana: but because you couldn't see any dirt or blood on her wings they tore at her wings into what Wanda saw. They only broke and clawed at ours

Margarita: It was hard seeing her that way she's too important to us

Hope soon opened her eyes and looked at the girls' wings. She got teary eyed and looked away.

Bucky: Hope, show us your wings

Hope: I can't

Wanda: Why not

Hope: I don't want you to be disappointed

Tony: Please show us your wings

Hope got up and showed us her wings. They were so torn apart, unlike the others. She was missing feathers in different areas, the right wing was almost in 2 and she like she was in pain and soon folded her wings away.

Hope: sorry you had to see that

Steve: what did they do to you

Tony: your wings are so mangled

Hope: heh ya, and to think that the way they look is that their healed


Pietro: that's worse than what they did to us

Wanda: Hope didn't you fight back

Hope: of course I did but because I couldn't get he head cleared like you *points to Bucky* they kept hurting me till I passed out, soon I gave up and they mainly hurt me and not them

Bucky: Hope why didn't you tell us

Hope: because it wasn't the right time

She walked away shifting into a wolf and running out.

Tony: Why don't you go after her well clean up back here

Bucky: thanks

I walked out to see Hope staring at our bike.

Bucky: Hope, please talk to me

Hope: the girls tried all they could to heal my wings but they wouldn't go back to the way they used to. Before Hydra took us I was living with the girls and Bruce in a hut out in the forest. Bruce had taken a trip to the city to get supplies for us to build a safer home in the forest but before he got back some men took us and when we woke up we were in Hydra. So far all we know is that I'm able to be killed but I can come back alive. So what does Hydra with this new information, they test on me, but because I'm an element nothing affected be it was like water was being put into my veins. So pretty much ( ;) unintentional -Hope) my blood got cleaned. So they did what they did best, tortured me. And not only that but the girls which hurt me even more. So I used my wings to guard them since they wouldn't let us fold our wings back to hide them so they beat my wings to what they are now trying to hurt the girls.

Bucky: wow, I'm so sorry

Hope: but you went through worse

Bucky: I was tortured, brainwashed, and forced to kill. I would say were even

Hope: *laughs*

Bucky: why don't we got to SHEILD and see if Bruce and some other scientists can fix your wings

Hope: really

Bucky: ya well go see tomorrow, now why don't we get the other and go home

Hope: *chuckles* ok

We walked back in to see Fury and Hill hauling the 2 bad guys away. They looked at us and gave us a thumbs up and soon we got the other and we all drove home from a very hectic night.

892 words

A/n SOOOOOOOOO here's how things are gonna go down. I'm going to try and update 2 chapters (at most) each week this month for this week. I'm gonna try but starting next week because this week I'm not only working but its a weird week at school since the juniors (i'm a senior) are doing practice tests for this fancy test I could careless at this point so ya, BUT don't forget to vote, comment, and share BYE!!

-Hope <3

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