Chapter 12

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Hope's p.o.v.

I was walking around the Down Under, when I realised something. Me and the girls all have older brothers but we don't know who they are (other than Bruce). I ran to the little house we had made when we were living in the Down Under.

Hope: GUYS
Ariana: What, What's wrong

Hope: we have other family, we just don't know who they are

Julia: I do vaguely remember having an older brother

Margarita: So do I

Ariana: me too

Hope: well let's get the guys and see if we can go find them

Ariana: I'M IN

Julia: let's do this

Margarita: Alright, but first let's see if they can heal your wings

Hope: ok

We walked past the conference room and waved at everyone. We continued walking till we got to the infirmary.

Hope: hello are you the head doctor

Doctor Cho: Why yes I am, what can I help you ladies with

Hope: a long time ago we were saved from Hydra, and well we all made it out alive-

Doctor Cho: -but, not without some battle scars

Hope: ya, my wings

Doctor Cho: wings, you say

Hope: it's better if I show you

I turned around and unfolded my wings. I heard her gasp and I sighed, folding my wings back.

Doctor Cho: you poor thing

Hope: they healed ,but not correctly. Can you fix them?

Doctor Cho: of course, I wouldn't be a doctor for S.H.I.E.L.D if I couldn't

Hope: thank you so much

Doctor: but the only thing is that since it would be a surgery, you have to keep your wings out and not hidden

Hope: I can handle that

Doctor Cho: alright come with me

Hope: I'll see you guys later

Ariana: don't worry you'll be fine

Bucky's p.o.v.

We (the avengers) were all gathered in the conference room. When the girls walked in. But Hope wasn't with them and they walked up to Fury stopping him and whispered something to him. We (the avengers) all looked around at each other confused.

Fury: uhhh... meeting dismissed

He ran out of the room with the girls. We all got up and ran after them running into the infirmary. We walked in to see the girls explaining something to him.

Bucky; what's going on? And where's Hope?

Ariana: Bucky sit down

Bucky: okayyyyyyy

Ariana: Bucky, Hope's in surgery-

Bucky: WHAT

Julia: Bucky calm down-


Steve: Buck let them explain

Margarita: she's getting her wings fixed that's all

Doctor Cho: *walks in* Tony, do you think you can find some black feathers so we can patch back the missing parts

Tony: Anything for Hope, she means everything to Ari, so she means everything to me

Bucky: Thank you

Tony: *nods*

Banner: please let me help you in there, she's my little sister and I just got her back

Doctor Cho: sure get on some scrubs

Bucky: please be careful we know she's immortal but we don't know how far that can go

Doctor Cho: She'll be fine this isn't anything internal, it's like when we fixed up Clint before Ultron

Steve: I'll explain it to you later

Bucky: ooooookkkkaaayyyyyyy

I was sitting in the waiting room with everyone, when suddenly a scream was let out. We all shot up ready to run and help, when Cho walked in.

Doctor Cho: calm down, Hope woke up during the surgery she's calm now and we're almost finished. You can man down soldier

Bucky: ok

I sat back down and the girls surrounded me.

Julia: Bucky, she's gonna be fine, she probably forgot where she was for a second when she woke up, that's all

Ariana: she's stronger than all of us, she can handles a small surgery

Bucky: I know I just can't help but worry-

Margarita: It's a natural emotion to have when someone you truly care about is going through something

Bucky: I know, it's hard when you lose everything and then have to get your life back piece by piece

Ariana: Hey we were kidnapped when we were, like six give us a break

Bucky: *chuckle* ok ok ok, we were in similar positions

Julia: exactly

Doctor Cho: the surgery was a success Tony is just finishing some last minute things you should be able to see her in less than a half an hour

Bucky: thank you so much

Ariana: if you really want I'll go in there and see what's happening

Bucky: Please

Ariana: alright I'll be back

She left the room and I sat there imaging all the things that could have happened to them when they were younger.

707 words

A/n I'm sorry it's short this is more of a filler mini story if anything. And I've been very busy and absolute hate everything that's happening right now. And to say I'm done with it is and understatement. Neither my Biology nor Finance teacher are worried which means I'm not worried either. And if anything with all my health defaults (aka my medical problems) I should've already gotten the virus :). But I haven't, just allergies and my weird sinus problem (its like I always have the sniffles its great :) especially now) , BUT now me and Ariana are working together on  these books that way I can work on some new books






maybe ;) , so please don't forget to vote, comment, and share BYE!!

-Hope <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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