Valentine's Day Special <3 and Chapter 7

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i know very late but the Valentine's dance is in the next chapter also the outfits next chapter i didn't have time to design so sorry -Hope <3

Bucky's p.o.v.

We rode our bikes to the school and when we got there students were staring at us and most specifically Peter. He and Shuri had started dating and today they rode on Peter's new bike to school today and then he is showing us around today.

Peter: alright guys to the office and ignore the stares people give you

Bucky: alright

We started walking and from instinct Hope got scared and held onto my arm so i pulled her to me and had my arm around her waist and so did the others with their girls and to say we all looked scary was an understatement, we terrified the little freshman.

Flash: hey *gulp* Parker (THIS IS A HOLY BOOK WORDS LIKE THAT WILL NOT BE IN HERE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED also he's scared -Hope)

Peter: *sighs* hey Flash

Flash: and who are these people and did you pay them to hang out with you

Hope: for your information he didn't pay us we're his friends and also please move so he can show us where the office is

Flash: welllllllll and who might you be

Bucky: *JELLYYYYYYY* taken

Flash: yes sir *runs away

Peter: thanks guys

Hope and Bucky: no problem

Peter: alright this way

We walked to the office and along with us the stares from other students which kept scaring Hope.

Secretary: Hi how may i *looks up* h-help you

Hope: we're here to get our schedules

Secretary: names please

Hope: Hope Banner

Bucky: James Buchanan Barnes

Tony: Anthony Stark

Ariana: Ariana Hemmings

Steve: Steven Rogers (hehehehehehe -Hope)

Julia: Julia Hood

Pietro: Pietro Maximoff

Wanda: Wanda Maximoff

Margarita: Margarita Irwin

Shuri: Shuri and i don't have a last name ma'am

Secretary: oooooooook here you all are and you three *point to Shuri, Ariana, and Tony* are in the same classes as him *points at Peter* so he will show you around today other than that looks like you all are in pairs for your classes except for you *points in Wanda* i know a person who can show you around because he has the same classes as you let me call him up

*end of phone call*

Secretary: ok he should be here shortly he was in 0 period (a class that starts at 7 am at my school -Hope)

Ned: hi i'm here to show the new kid around HEY PETER

Peter: hey Ned these are the new kids and your going to be showing Wanda around so let's get to class

Hope: *smiles* alright

We were walking when we noticed this girl staring at Peter. When she saw Shuri and the way he had his arm around her she glared.

Girl: *too perky* HEY PETER

Peter: *silently groans* Hey Liz (that's right i made her a villian and she's the same age as -Hope)

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