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I am writing this story for Open Novella 2019.

The prompt I selected was the seventh prompt for General called Public Disappearance. The prompt is, "Long in the public spotlight for their talent, it has been three years since they went into hiding, disappearing from the media, from the press, and from the internet. When they re-emerged, everything changed. The wold held their breath as it waited for an explanation."

The story is also fanfic for Voltron: Legendary Defenders. For those who don't know the Voltron fandom the series is of the space opera genre. Voltron is a flying robot comprised of five robot lions which combine. Allura is an alien princess who is humanoid in the way she look, which will be important later on. The Voltron continuums include GoLions, the original Voltron which was derived from GoLions and the newest Voltron: Legendary Defenders.

Ryo is a character from the original GoLions who was combined with his brother Takashi Shirogane to create the character Sven. Shiro appeared in VLD, but Ryo did not. VLD touches upon Keith being Shiro's brother, though never in a biological manner, yet even the final season left this one open for the possibility of half or full siblings, plus I like working with that dynamic a lot. Ryo is the main focus in this story, but Lance's sister Rachel is also a main character.

There is a slight inspiration from Macross (Robotech) where one of the characters helps boost public moral via their music, but this is my take on the idea for the fandom.

Other prompts which have ended up worked into the story in some variation or another
- General 2 – Against an Obstacle – Rachel is having to deal with who her brother is and the fact she may not come back. Ryo's having to deal with keeping his two personas separate and feeling guilty over his last interactions with brothers along with the worry of them not coming back.

Word Count

Chapter 1 – 1,827
Chapter 2 - 3,142
Chapter 3 - 4,226
Chapter 4 - 5489
Chapter 5 – 6579
Chapter 6 – 7726
Chapter 7 - 8854
Chapter 8 - 10,150
Chapter 9 - 11,118
Chapter 10 - 12,271
Chapter 11 - 13,502
Chapter 12 - 14,575
Chapter 13 - 16,210
Chapter 14 - 17,940
Chapter 15 - 19,693
Chapter 16 - 21,117
Chapter 17 - 22,173

Images for Cover

Gemini, Touch the Sky (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now