The Right Thing

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"Apparently that cadet is far more interested in hitting on any beautiful female he comes across rather than any form of academic success, and yet one of the pickup lines he..."

"Turn it off."

Ryo stopped in front of the doorway where some of the senior cadets were watching the television screen despite the heavy box he carried in his arms. He recognized the cadet who intervened a few days ago leaning over the couch in the lounge area but saw the cadet look up at him. Ryo's manager passed by him with another box and he started walking again. He heard the snapping sound of the television turned off, but also heard another cadet say, "Man. I thought I just saw Kagone."

"Don't be silly Kinkade. Kagone is in outer space."

"Some cadets wish they'd stay there."

The first of the cadets Ryo let out a laugh. "That's not very nice Ina."

"Hey, I'll be back in a bit."

Ryo recognized the voice as the voice of the cadet he'd recognized but paid it no mind even when he saw a flash of orange go by.

That was until the voice of the one he recognized resounded from nearby. "Do you need help moving Lieutenant Shirogane's things from storage to his old quarters?"

Ryo didn't say anything and instead continued walking towards Takashi's old quarters which the garrison decided Ryo could set back up. He didn't see his manager stop in front of him and bumped into it but did see the man step to the side so he could confront the young man.

"Don't. Don't make a scene here." He continued his way until he arrived at the quarters which belonged to his older brother and stepped in through the doorway and headed to the table and set one of the boxes onto the table. He noticed one of the boxes he left on the table was now open and let out a curse. He carefully lifted the box and closed his eyes upon confirming the box was indeed lighter. "Shit."

"Yeah. Your older brother is quite the celebrity around here even after they declared a pilot error. Leaving the door open wasn't a good idea."

Ryo felt his hands tighten into fists as he leaned into the table before turning on him. "What do you want?"

The cadet leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed, but a rather amused smile appeared on his face. Ryo's agent let out a deep breath and turned from the box he sat down. "You're intruding. If you could..."

"No. I want to know what he wants, but who he is."

"My name is James Griffin." James pointed at the door. "Why don't I help whoever this is in getting the rest of Lieutenant Shirogane's things from storage? This way you can stay here and make sure none of his stuff walks off. Actually..." James frowned. "You didn't leave the storage unattended as well."

"They have someone watching the storage units closely." Ryo's agent turned his head towards Ryo. "I guess we could get his help and find out what he wants when we finish bringing the boxes here?"

"Fine." Ryo swallowed and turned towards the kitchen counter. When the two left he found himself heading over to the couch and flopping down. A stale smell from being sealed up for a few years wafted up from the furniture and made Ryo let out a deep breath while he looked up at the ceiling. He heard James and his manager come in and out.

"Well, that's all of it."

Ryo sat up when his manager said this. He glanced at all of the boxes. "Did you find anything of his?"

"No." He watched his manager go and close the door.

"Why? Why isn't any of his things here?"

"You're talking about Keith, right?" James' question made Ryo look right at him. James shoved his hands into his pockets as he leaned against the wall. "The assumption is Keith left the garrison with what he brought with him, so you aren't likely to find any of his things here."

"I don't understand." Ryo took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"That's what happens to kids who get lost in the system."

"What system?"

"You didn't know Keith was in foster care before Lieutenant Shirogane found him?

"You do realize your other brother was living in a group home before he came to the garrison? Your older brother didn't tell you at all how he found Keith?"

"No. He didn't." Ryo's eyes opened. "What..."

"Keith stole Shiro's car."

"He what?" Ryo shook his head. "I don't want to know. What I want to know is what you want? More specifically, why did you help me out the other day? Actually, how do you even know that Takashi, Keith and I are siblings?"

"I was outside the conference room back when the Kerberos mission failed, and Keith got kicked out of the garrison. The door was open when you told someone that Keith was your brother."

"And who else have you told?"

"No one."

Ryo narrowed his eyes. "Do you think you can use that information to your advantage?"

"No." James took a deep breath. "You asked me what I wanted, so here's the truth, but go ahead and hate me if you want. "I bullied Keith while he was at the garrison, but also during junior high. He didn't deserve any of the crap any of us gave him, but one of the reasons he kept acting out was because people kept giving him crap for things out of his control."

"Why are you telling me this if you know it will make me hate you?"

"I'm telling you because that's the right thing to do."

Gemini, Touch the Sky (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now