Song and Dance

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A steady rhythm of music beat through the makeshift dance studio they managed setting up in one of the unused classrooms. When Rachel thought Ryo was simply some jerk who wanted to take advantage of her family's pain she avoided listening to the radio or turned off the news so she couldn't hear the words of his songs. Now she listened to his music constantly as this proved the best way to help Ryo move forward in the direction he needed to.

Rachel discovered Ryo's connection with Keith and Shiro was only the surface of who he was. The songs were in fact willed with a wide range of feelings, much if not all of which were aimed at his family. Even Dark Beauty she learned was based on who he thought his twin brother was falling for, yet listening to the lyrics of that song and Gemini, Touch the Sky made Rachel wonder how Ryo's fans didn't, in fact, recognize the sad undertone of unrequited love and the inability to see one's family.

Gemini, Touch the Sky of course resonated with her the most despite the fact she honestly found Lance's habits annoying and would likely return to thinking he was obnoxious when he returned, though she held out the hope maybe the war forced him to grow up. Songs like Dark Beauty still helped her come to know him more, and she found him to be a very caring person.

When she first offered Ryo help, she didn't know what kind of help that would be. She found him drawing upon her for moral support like she expected, but she discovered her ability to draw him out of the dark place he was apt to fall into because he feared losing not one, but two siblings again. What she didn't expect was helping him coordinate dance moves let alone dancing with him daily in the makeshift studio.

"When is he going to ask you out?" The question was asked by her mother, who didn't know yet that Ryo confessed he liked Rachel in a rather embarrassing moment, yet in the back of her mind she thought Ryo felt rejected by her in the same way his brother Keith felt rejected by the girl he liked.

The question was also asked of her friends who she couldn't hide the fact she was no longer pissed off at him yet thought it exciting one of their friends was hanging out with someone so famous. She didn't tell them either about Ryo's open confession. The moment for some reason felt private, and she'd learned Ryo was actually a very private person.

In fact, his Japanese culture was a stark contrast to her Cuban culture. She'd half expected him to be as loud as her family due to his pop idol status, yet quickly discovered from his agent that pop idols in Japan put on a persona for their fans. This wasn't to say Ryo wasn't like his persona, but more of that was only a small part of him and definitely something which helped form a mask of protection around his private life.

Yet, she found she wanted him to ask her out as she was growing to like him for who he was.

"I don't like that. Can we start again?" The music stopped when he said this as Kinkade pushed the button from where he fiddled with his camera and the other equipment from the video club at the garrison. She couldn't believe they were attempting to make an actual music video, yet couldn't help but think the product would – with a staff of inexperienced garrison staffs Kinkade planned on roping in – be super amateur compared to what Ryo normally produced.

Rachel felt sweat dripping from her face as she looked at Ryo in concern. When she came into everything she was used to the western pop idols being in the news with their latest scandal not necessarily related to their music almost as if they were attempting to garner more fame for themselves rather than working for it. Ryo though took his job seriously to the point he pushed himself to the brink.

"I'm not sure. You don't look too great."

"Please. I'm not happy with it."

She learned quite quickly not being happy with a particular part of his routine or one of his songs was an indicator he was headed into a rather dark place and he needed a distraction. "Fine, but only one more time. I'm almost at my limit."

Gemini, Touch the Sky (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now