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She felt like throwing up.

The pain of Lance going missing tore up the family, but no matter how annoying Lance was he was in fact still her brother. Adding to the pain was the garrison's refusal to give any concrete answers regarding Lance's disappearance with the other cadets, but Veronica withdrew from the family because she knew things that as a soldier at the garrison she could not divulge. As such Rachel felt as if she lost not one, but two family members.

Even when Holt made the announcement regarding aliens the family hadn't made the connection that the cadets he referred to were the ones Lance disappeared with. They didn't know until the garrison made a phone call shortly after making arrangements for the family to be brought to the garrison for further debriefing and they found themselves mingling with Hunk's family.

It was the one connection they made. Hunk disappeared at the same time and the two families for a long time, but the boys were best friends. Hunk's disappearance made things even more confusing as Hunk never got into trouble unless Lance instigated but running away was something Hunk would and could talk Lance out of, not to mention the fact there was no motivation behind why Lance might run away.

Seeing the latest news playing out in front of her eyes while she ate a meal out with her friends to get her mind what was going on only added to the insult she felt as a person. Rachel held her glass in her hand watching constantly the streaming news regarding the alien threat and how nobody was sure yet if the threat was a hoax or not. Her friends said something about not paying the news any mind, and yet such a world-changing event was hard to ignore.

Even the entertainment news Rachel normally liked was filled with news of things related to the garrison reveal.

"In other news, we actually have news regarding a Japanese pop idol who disappeared from the public spotlight a few years ago."

"Really? Is this yet another conspiracy theory then like that of the aliens?"

"Well, the fanbase of Doragonhanta certainly came up with quite a few conspiracy theories of their own regarding his disappearance, but no. He's honestly made a comeback with a new song. Specifically, he's come out with a new song to show his support for Voltron and the garrison's movement against the Galra, but he's encouraging Earth's citizens as he put it to do the same."

Rachel felt ill hearing the various celebrities taking advantage of her family's personal pain for their own publicity, but she didn't feel like throwing up until she saw a picture of Doragonhanta on the news screen. "You've got to be kidding me."

She remembered seeing him at the garrison.

Rachel found herself bored to death regarding the stories the older family members swapped along with the fact her nephew and niece were getting bored themselves yet sticking with the family was far better than mingling with the professionals. Every so often she found herself glancing around which was when she saw him.

He, whoever he was, was a young man of Asian descent. He stood at the back of his room watching everyone while listening to what was probably music on his headphones. After a brief moment, Rachel realized he was staring right at her which in turn made her glare at the young man. Her action made him startle and look away. She felt a slight irritation at the idea of anybody ogling her from afar yet brushed the thought aside.

Any chance of forgetting him flew out the window when she saw a picture of him on the screen.

"Oh, it's him. It's really him."

"Nina's always been a major fan of him."

"Oh great." Rachel shook her drink slightly so the ice cubes clinked.

"Why do you have to be so down?" Anita whispered into Dom's ear and she glanced at the table sheepishly. "Oh yeah. Your brother's one of the cadets."

"Seriously, utilizing this for his public comeback is low." Rachel glanced at her drink more intensely. "Who does he think he is?" Everyone fell silent and she looked up after a bit wondering what was going on. "What?"

Every single friend looked at Nina who finally swallowed. "I don't know. None of his fans know his real name. He honestly kept to himself a lot, but nobody knows why he up and disappeared. There are definitely a lot of rumors floating around out there as to why, but they were all written in Japanese, so I don't know most of them."

"Who cares. Whatever reason he has doesn't justify him making his public comeback on the back of my family pain."

"I know it may feel that way, but..."

"You guys wouldn't understand."

"No, I couldn't possibly."

It didn't matter how much Rachel always found herself annoyed by her younger brother's antics. More specifically, it didn't matter how embarrassing it was hearing him lie about his non-existent achievements at the garrison. It didn't matter how much he flirted with every beautiful female he could let alone the fact Lance for some reason thought he was a heaven-sent gift for women everywhere. Of course, her older brother Marcos found Lance's failed attempts at picking up girls was amusing.

Seriously – seeing Lance try and pick up a beautiful woman twice his age was creepy as was how uncomfortable he made them.

Then there was his made-up rivalry with one of the cadets named Keith. Rachel found herself rolling her eyes whenever Lance complained about his so-called rival named Keith who really wasn't a rival, yet she honestly didn't understand how he – the cadet at the bottom of the class – thought he was rivals with the cadet who was, in fact, the top of the class. She was honestly surprised her brother and this Keith Kagone hadn't killed each other.

She also pitied Takashi Shirogane.

Lance was obsessed with the man and idolized him to a degree which made him seem somewhat like a stalkerish fanboy, but the video recording he sent homemade Rachel think even that hadn't improved, but it was obvious that Lance's idol was having to deal with his flirtatious behavior. Takashi Shirogane had to also deal with the fact Lance was jealous of Keith along with Lance's obsession with the Altean princess.

She really pitied the man, but she still missed her brother and nothing excused what this Japanese pop idol was doing.

Gemini, Touch the Sky (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now