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This is ridiculously short soooo oops

Kiyotaka Ishimaru And Mondo Oowada we're watching a movie in Mondo's room, it's been about a week since the sauna competition, and the two friends have been going steady ever since.

Taka tiredly rested his head on Mondo's arm, making the taller man a little flustered. 'Jesus Christ why does he have to be so adorable?' The thought.

Suddenly, Ishimaru yawned, not to loud, not to quiet. He stretched his arms out and eventually sniffled once the yawn was done.

Mondo couldn't help himself but chuckle, wrapping an arm around Ishimaru's shoulder.

"Someone's tired." He teased, making Taka blush.

Then suddenly, Mondo yawned, much louder then Taka but the boy didn't mind. He chuckled.

"Seems like I'm not the only one Oowada."


Soon, Ishimaru yawned again, and soon after that Mondo did the same. The blonde began to laugh quietly. "Stop yawning! You're making me yawn."

Taka shrugged Nd hugged him. "You should know that yawning is contagious." Taka said before he yawned again.

Mondo stretched out his arms with another yawn before grabbing hold of the remote control, turning off the television. "Let's just go to bed. You're most likely exhausted." Mondo chuckled as Ishimaru's red face.

Taka turned off the lamp and laid down with Mondo. He gently snuggled up towards him with a smile. "Don't worry Taka, I'll be your dreamcatcher."

Mondo whispered into the boy's ear before giving him a kiss.

Taka hummed a yes and leaned into his warm embrace.

'Thank you Oowada...'

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