Rolling The Dice

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This is an au where Kiyotaka's talent is the ultimate Gambler.

🖤~Dedicated to fmilver_multi ~🖤

Kiyotaka Ishimaru stared at the men around him, a wide smirk glued on the sides on his mouth. He looked at the group of men and showed his deck of cards. Everyone groaned in frustration and annoyance while Kiyotaka laughed from the winnings, "now hand me over the case ya loosin' lil abortion!" Ishimaru yelled as he slammed his fists onto the table, staring right at the shimmering case, filled with coin.

A man with blonde hair, a beard and blue eyes rolled his eyes, fixing up the what hat on his head before handing Kiyotaka the heap of cash. Ishimaru drooled at all of the riches that remained inside. Hundreds, thousands of dollars laid amongst him.

"Well I'll be..." an old man with grey hair, a small beard and glasses stated. "I know Tengan, this guy can't loose!' That same blonde from before exclaimed, absolutely amazed with Kiyotaka's tricks. Kiyotaka simply laughed it off, kicking his as if he were a child who was too small for a chair. "Yeah, I tend to get that a lot.

"Welp, it's a pleasure doin' businesses with ya."

"Oi." A newcomer sat down, raising an eyebrow at Kiyotaka. He seemed to have bangs that were blonde, and a vest with a large collar covering his neck. "So, you're Kiyotaka Ishimaru eh?" He asked, making the male laugh. "The one and only."

He smirked a little, slamming cash against the table, followed by other members of his small gang adding in some of their own cash.

"You win one more game, and you win all this. If not, I get the case and this." He challenges, making Kiyotaka smirk.

"Ya got some balls challengin' me..."

"Well Whatever, are we doing this or what you pussy?" The hiker challenged, making Kiyotaka roll his eyes.

"Eh, another few thousand dollars won't hurt... game on you bitch."

And just like that, the two started a fresh round of poker. Many people from the bar began to swarm towards the two, watching their game from the sidelines. Everyone could see the strangers cards, but Kiyotaka didn't budge on showing his. The game went for what felt like hours, until finally, the blonde showed his deck, a small smile of victory planted on his lips. "Game over buddy."

"I wouldn't say so." And just like that, Kiyotaka showed his deck, making the crowd gasp with amazement, but the red eyed male just laughed. "You seriously thought that challenging me was such a smart idea!? You're a fuckin' idiot!"

"Eh... you tried Mondo." Daiya told him, patting him on the back as Mondo stared down at Kiyotaka, who added the money to his case of winnings.


"So, ya gonna cry or what? Bow to me at my feet?"

"No." Mondo rolled his eyes and stood up, making the raven pout. "Awww I see, someone's just being a saw looser." He smirked, before standing up.

"Oh I'll buy ya a drink, but don't come shinning to me you pussy."

Mondo's expression changed to surprise rather quickly, staring as Kiyotaka walked up to the bartender. "Well?!"

"Hmm... you aren't that bad... Ishimaru."

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