Kiyotaka Ishimaru's Ice Cream

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It was a rather long day at school for Ishimaru. Sure, he loved to learn, study and get good grades. I mean, what's better then getting good grades on tests and work!? The answer, is nothing! Well in Ishimaru's opinion. But today, everything felt out of place. In the morning, he had trouble finding his prefect badge so he went to school without it, all of his books fell out from his locker when he opened the jammed door. During his hall monitor duties during third period, he had to send seven people to the principal's office for truinting, and even had a chase off with Kuwata. At lunch, when he went to buy his lunch, he didn't have enough for what he wanted so he just got an apple instead. And during that time, Kuwata and Celestia were arguing over 'who was scarier' and gave Ishimaru a headache. Fifth period was terrible, he got an A- on his maths exam. And that's the worst grade Kiyotaka had ever received on an an exam.

So to say that Kiyotaka Ishimaru had a bad day was just an understatement. Because today was downright terrible.

Kiyotaka entered his dorm with a loud and exhausted sigh. He didn't want to do anything for the rest of the day but lay around. He didn't even have any motivation to do his homework. And that was something pretty serious for Kiyotaka to not want to do.

It was quiet for a few minutes. Ishimaru stared up at the ceiling, trying to take in his thoughts and feelings. But that's when it hit him.

He needed some ice cream.

Have you ever just had that craving. After a long day with nothing but stress and annoyance in the air, you just wanted to have the taste of soft, creamy ice cream in your mouth? That was Kiyotaka's craving at the moment. He just wanted to taste relief.

The raven haired boy eventually sat up, and without hesitation he grabbed a very, old hoodie he had in his drawers. It was rare to see Kiyotaka wear something besides his uniform. Hell, no one has ever seen Kiyotaka wear something that wasn't his uniform. But this Ishimaru, just wanted to relax for an hour or two. He had to much to do at the moment.

The raven grabbed hold of his wallet, grabbing hold of a ten dollar bill before making his way out of his dorm and- crash into another person in the halls.

"Hey watch where you're- bro?"

Ishimaru looked up at the sound of the voice. Knowing very well who it belonged to. It was non other than his best friend Mondo Oowada.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru And Mondo Oowada have been best friends for years. Ever since they were in primary school, they were the two friends that everyone knew and wanted to have.

But how would someone liked Kiyotaka Ishimaru, always so eager and ready to learn, make friends with someone as rude and rebellious as Mondo Oowada? Well, that's always been hard to explain. But the way that Kiyotaka would describe it; "a bully becoming a friend, will be a friend till the end." Cheesy, I know.

Ishimaru stared up at Oowada for a few minutes before blinking a few times. He then realised he was staring at his hood. "Oh my goodness-! I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT WEARING THE PROPER SCHOOL ATTIRE!"

"Okay, one, Their's no need to yell, and two, I really couldn't care nerd." He admitted with a simple shrug. Kiyotaka scoffed a little at the nickname. "I thought you said you'd stop calling me that." Mondo simply smirked and tussled Ishimaru's tiny head of hair. "I'm only kidding Ishi, now you're clearly you're in a hurry so where are you heading off to?" He questioned.

"I, Kiyotaka Ishimaru is getting ice cream." He explained in a dramatic tone. Mondo couldn't help himself but blush at the sight. Dork. "Oh, can I come?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm fucking craving some sort of ice cream at the moment."

The raven just smiled and hugged his 'bro's' arm. "I don't see why not!"

"Ishi, let go you're embarrassing me."


"One Cookies and cream, and one mint chocolate ice cream please." Mondo ordered at the front counter while Ishimaru sat down at a table, reading a sheet that said 'Employees Favourites.' Not that he really cares, he was just bored.

Kaito - Bubblegum
Kaede - Strawberry
Hiyoko - Chocolate
Aoi - Chocolate
Sakakura - Mint Chocolate
Kokichi - Panta? (That's not an ice cream flavour here, this guy just loves Panta)

"Knock yourself out nerd." Kiyotaka snapped his attention to Mondo, smiling when taking no,d of his cookie and cream ice cream cone. "Thanks Oowada." He thanked with a wide smile on his lips.

Mondo just shrugged, eating his own ice cream. "Meh, its all good."

Ishimaru sighed dreamily, staring up at his crush.

"You really are something Oowada..."


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