Horror Movies

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Kiyotaka Ishimaru loved horror movies!

Well, when he was with Mondo, snuggled up on the couch and watching from the crock of Oowada's neck in case a scene got to scary. But this time, when Ishimaru asked to watch a scary film, the biker said no.

Mondo and their son Sorter were in bed, fast asleep. But instead of joining Mondo, Kiyotaka decided to watch a scary film on Netflix.

It was about this kid that got possessed by a famous psycho killer and started killing his own parents.

Kiyotaka would never admit it. But he was really freaked out.

"D-Don't go inside..." the raven haired boy whispered to himself, chewing his finger nails from fear. That is before he heard footsteps come up from behind him


Ishimaru froze for a few seconds, his face turning as white as a ghost as he turned around to see his little boy in 'Monodam' Pj's. And holding a small plushie of the bear in his hands.

Instead of ushering the child back to bed, the adult just screamed.


Sorter raised an eyebrow. He was a really sensitive kid, so you'd most likely expect the poor blonde to burst out into tears. But instead the complete opposite happened.

When Sorter approached his dad, Ishimaru got off the couch and stepped back. The child smirked and laughed as he began to chase his dad around the house.

The Oowada home was filled with mixes of screams of terror, and Sorter's hard laughter.

Up, down, all around the house, the two ran and neither of them seemed to run out of energy. They could go on for hours.

"What on earth am I looking at-!?"

Ishimaru saw his boyfriend, his messy blonde hair fallen to the left side of his face, and his back huntched in an uncomfortable position.

Mondo Oowada was clearly tired.

Taka simply ran behind his boyfriend. "Sorter's gonna kill us! He's a possessed demon I tell you!"

The blonde laughed along with what he thought to be a game, clapping his hands. "Hey Papi! Daddy thinks I'm a demon!" He said excitedly.

"Hold on. A what now-"

Mondo glanced over at the TV, seeing the end credits to the movie before face palming. "Let's get you to bed Sorter."

"Awwwww But Papi-"

"No butts except for your own in bed."

Kiyotaka waited anxiously in the living room, feeling embarrassed for what was happening, but the other half still told him that was going to hurt Mondo.

But once he saw his boyfriend walk in, completely fine, he relaxed.

"You probably just woke up the whole neighbourhood, you know that?" The biker said, looking down at Kiyotaka who nervously played with his thumbs.

There was silence between the two for a bit. "You know you can't watch horror movies without me."

"I know but-"

"But what?"

Mondo's face softened when seeing Kiyotaka wipe a small tear that pricked his eye. "I just wanted to prove to you that I could."

"Listen Taka, you don't have to prove anything alright? Now.." A small smirk widened on the blonde lips before he picked up his boyfriend, throwing him over his shoulder.

Kiyotaka laughed And playfully punched Mondo's back.

"Hey! Put me down corn cob!"

"Hmm. Nah."


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