Hiding From The Truth

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chapter contains child abuse and neglect, as well as mentions of alcohol usage, please do skip if necessary


Ishimaru walked into his home with a deep breath, opening the door, a loud creak making him startle. He closed the door, walking into the living room and placing his bag onto the rack. He then turned his gaze to his father, completely wasted on the couch.

"I thought I told you to clean the dishes." He snapped with a hint of anger throughout his slurred tone. Taka took a shaky breath, "I-I'm sorry dad, ill do it now-"

"Now isn't good enough!" He yelled, standing up with the help of the wall, throwing an alcohol bottle at Ishimaru without and hesitation. He managed to dodge, shaking intensely as his father began to get more violent.

"D-Dad I'm sorry!" Ishimaru yelled through sobbing from fear. He was a rather sensitive teenager.

"Grow up and b-be a man!" He hiccuped and grabbed hold of a belt, hitting Taka in the face, sending him to the wall.

Ishimaru held the dark red spot on his cheek, his breath becoming more intense and fast. He didn't wanna go through this again... not again.

But he didn't receive his wish, the pain began again.
Mondo Oowada walked down the halls of school, noticing his friends Leon, Celestia and Ishimaru. "Hey guys! Hey Ishi!" Mondo smiled down at the smaller boy. Man... he's amazing... "Hello.." Ishimaru replied with a shy smile, he was always a timid guy.

Mondo ruffled his hair before chuckling. "Well, are you two still going to my party?" Leon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why Certainly." Celestia Smiled one of her creepy smiles.

"Definitely, Ishi?" Mondo turned to the red eyed boy, who just twiddled with his thumbs. Taka began to stutter before letting out a shaky breath. "I don't think I can make it..."

"Man... Seriously?" Kuwata asked with a disappointing tone. Soon he rolled his eyes and walked away without any hesitation. "I-I'm So-"

"Can it Taka!" He snapped.

Ishimaru felt his heart sink when Celestia followed him, leaving Mondo there with Ishimaru.

Mondo frowned and turned to look at Ishimaru, noticing how uncomfortable he looked, "ishi? You okay?"

"O-Of course..."

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