Sick Day

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Mondo sat in the cafe, he had been waiting for Kiyotaka for about twenty minutes now. He looked like a total idiot sitting in there, looking around as if he were a deer. He texted Ishimaru a few times, hoping for a response.

Hey man, where are you? I dunno if you're just running late but I've been here for almost half an hour :/

He waited for a reply, tapping his fingers against the table with nerves. Usually Ishimaru would reply to his texts at once, although this time around, it looked like he hadn't even seen it.

Mondo couldn't help himself. Something was definitely wrong with him. What if he got hurt? Taken away? What if he just didn't like Mondo, and didn't want to show up to their date?

"Sir, would you like to order your food now?"

Oowada flinched, snapping out from his small trance and turned around at the waitress. She had soft blonde hair with a high bun to keep the hair out of her face. Her waitress dress seemed to shimmer from the light, she looked rather well dressed. Her name tag read 'Kirumi Tojo.'

"Uhhh... I think Ima go." Mondo said as he stood up, not even bothering to tuck his chair in. "Sorry 'bout that."

Mondo began to make his way down to takes house, pulling out his phone to check once more that he replied to his text. His heart began to beat like crazy when he didn't see a reply. Something was definitely wrong.

Taka probably just didn't want to go on their date, it was understandable after all. Mondo was a biker guy, who worked as a tattoo artist as a side job. He wanted to become a carpenter. A carpenter!? Taka probably thought it was the most dumbest thing anyone could want as a job.

Mondo couldn't help himself, he looked up at Kiyotaka's small home and sighed. He HAD to see him.

Mondo grabbed hold of his phone once more and went to his contacts, dialling up Kiyotaka's number. He heard the ringtone from inside the house. So he had to be home. A few minutes went by, and Oowada was just praying that Taka would pick up. "..."

"Taka? Are you home? If you are can you please let me I , I'm kinda outside your doorstep." Mondo spoke into the phone. He felt a wave of uneasiness when silence filled the other side of the line. Before he hung up, he heard a loud sigh and footsteps coming from the other side of the phone.

Soon, the door opened, revealing Kiyotaka. He had a blanket wrapped around him, and he seemed to be in his pyjamas. His face was rather rosy, not exactly very appealing to look at at the moment. His hair was messed up, and he clearly had bags under his eyes.

The two stayed silent for a few minutes, Mondo trying to process whatever was happening. "S-Sorry Mondo..." Kiyotaka broke the silence with a low and raspy tone in his voice. Gosh, Mondo's never seen Kiyotaka sick in his whole life.

"I-I think I got... the flu or something, I only just woke up when you called me..." Kiyotaka told him as he coughed into his blanket. "I think it's best if we rearrange this for another time..."

So, he wasn't trying to cheat, or dump, or leave Mondo. He was just sick? Oowada couldn't help himself but laugh. "What's so funny?" Kiyotaka asked as he leaned against the door. "It's nothing. Really."

"Here you nerd, I'll stay with you." Mondo said, pulling Kiyotaka into an embrace as he closed the door. "B-But... I don't want you catching the flu too..." Kiyotaka told him, not even bothering to get him away, rather he just huddled closer to Mondo for warmth. He was so sick.

"Yeah... I'll stay, I can kick some flu's ass, don't worry about me."

"Ugh... you're so sweet..."

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