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I was laying in bed with dad, waiting for mom to come home.

"Can't we get food without her?"

"Can I leave you at school next time?"

"Please don't."


I sighed, loudly.

"Where's Dustin?" Dad asks.

"His room probably."

He nods.

I texted Nina, my friend from dance class.

"Nina wanna come to the mall with-"



"Stop reading my texts!"

"There's nothing else to do!"

"Where is mom!?"

"You tell me!"


"You mad bro?" He laughed.

I burst out laughing.

Mom opened the door and ran to dad,crying.

"Shhhh...." He rubbed her back.

He signaled me to leave, so I did.

What happened to mom?


For @TheParisianMustache (because I can't do the thing I can't spell on mobile ;) )

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