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I woke up in Blake's bed, alone.

I wasn't sure where anybody was, it was after 10(AM) and the house was quite. It's never been quite when I was at his house.

I opened the bedroom door and saw Cammie siting at the table.

I walked over to her.

"Hello sweetheart, Blake's outback with Belle." She smiled.

I nodded and walked outside.

"Your awake!" Blake yelled as he jumped out if the swing and ran to me.

"I thought I had to go to home?"

"I texted your dad. He said it was okay."

I nodded.

"Wanna go to IHOP?" Blake asked tilting his head to the side.

"We don't have to-"

"IHOP!!! I WANNA GO!" Belle, Blake's little sister, jumped around out feet.

"I think I have to now." He smiled.

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