🤔Is she moving in?🤔

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HEY GUYS SO i deleted the author's cause i know its annoying to wait for a long time and waiting for a next chapter so everytime when a new chapter is published ill be talking to you all in the beggining and end of the story but anyways into the book we gooo!

Ballora's POV

Well thats rude but anyways im not here cause im visiting a friend or whatever. What I heard from ennard baby has been cutting herself recently and she's trying to find the knives in the house. So before i came here i asked my parents if their ok with me moving in with a friend. Since they are nice parents and know that im old enough to live by myself or with anyone they said sure and now the big problem is that i dont know if baby wants me to live with her but i told her ill be sleeping over. But maybe at night i could ask her if i could move in.                                    YES SMART BALLORA! 

"Hey baby?"-ballora

"Yee ballora?"-baby

"Can i sleep overr?"-ballora

"sure why not"-baby

"cool ill bring my things from the car"-ballora



After I left the living room. I only got a few of my clothes to make it not that obvious that im moving in. But behind me a little bidybab tugged me and pointed to the car. She said if that was my car. Well I did say yes because i got that car from my parents for my sixteenth birthday.  She had little sparkles in her eyes just like baby did whenever she saw food or something like a Chevrolet. She ran back inside and told the other bidybabs about it and they all had sparkles in their eyes and they went to the basement? Wierd I thought their room was upstairs?

"Hey baby? why did the bidybabs go in the basement?"-ballora

"oh that's the biggest room of the house and thankfully I made enough money to make it our playroom i know it sounds dumb but i like playing with them *mumbles*(since i didn't have a childhood)"-baby

"wait what did you say that last part?"-ballora

"nothin ask ennard if ya wanna know more about the basement"-baby

"ok ennard can yo-"-ballora


"nevermind maybe later"-ballora

Baby's POV

Phew almost told her that secret...what? You guys dont know cause foxy gamer didnt put it in her description. OK ill stop breaking the fourth wall and back into my real life. But what ballora doesnt knows is that when i was younger i wasnt at a public nor private school not even a homeschool i was at a war and i would thank my adopted mom before she died but i never will because she's already been dead for years but i always go and visit her grave and always thank her for saving me. And now im taking care of my brothers and sister. Yea they were in hiding with my adopted mother but only ennard remembers about that time well only a little. WHILE I HAD TO REMEMBER IT ALL! 

"ennard ill be right back"-baby

"huh? where you going?"- ennard

"outside in the treehouse"-baby

"again? you know you coul-"-ennard

"NO-no i mean im just gonna go play my phone there its quieter there"-baby

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