😟Missing her company😟

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Ballora's POV

Watching baby just sleepwalking around the house is sort of funny but amusing as well. I take out my phone and start recording her talking while sleepwalking.

"Ohhh haii whoo aree youu?"-Sleepwalking Baby


This was really entertaining for me since now I can use this footage for laughs.

A few minutes passed and she called my name. And curiosity got the best of me when I carried her bridal style.

Checking if she was ok and to my surprise she literally jumped off of me.

And started walking to our bedroom (we don't share a bed so don't think of otherwise)

Baby came back with a plush that looked like me. Wait when and where did she get that plush from?

I took it from her cause I wanted to take care of her small plush. Then she started crying I panicked obviously.

I have done a sin to my adorable roommate and now I must pay. I went to a room where baby sews the bidybabs clothes whenever they rip it or something.

And I got some cloth and started to make a plush that looked like baby. (I know a bad time but I'm making it for her)

After a few hours or so baby was still in her trance and I managed to finish the plush I was working on.

It looked amazingly nice and since it was my first time making it I had no trouble at all. I then went back to baby who was still crying.

I had given her the plush of herself and she started to calm down which I was relieved by it since the bidybabs were gonna be here soon.

"Hey bidybabs you know the drill"-Ballora

"Yes bawora"-Bidybabs

I swear the bidybabs are talking more and more like a baby and I'm thinking it's cause of the neighbor speaking baby to them.

Now that their gone and playing in the basement. I sit down drained by following baby around while she was sleep walking.

Sooner or later ennard and toy chica enter the house and since chica was allowed to come after school I made them some cookies since I was waiting until baby got out of her sleeping trance or something.

"Ballora! So is baby outta her spirit world stuff?"-Ennard

"Ennard that is rude you gotta say smol baby not baby"-Toy chica

"Oh my bad is smol baby awake yet?"-Ennard

"No not yet I think"-Ballora

"Well whenever she's gonna wake up can you make dinner?"-Ennard

"Sure just set up the table and call the bidybabs"-Ballora

"K also chica is gonna join us if that's ok"-Ennard

"Sure anyways just do what I told you and I'll make steak"-Ballora

"YUSSSS STEAK"-Toy chica

That was sort of funny in my perspective. But back to baby also smol baby is not that bad of a nickname for her.

I soon walk to the kitchen to make steak and serve the food to the young ones named Ennard, bidybab, and our guest toy chica.

After eating dinner I sleep in the room I share with baby and fall in a deep sleep until morning where I woke up to someone's voice...

To be continued...🤔

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