🏠Home Time🏠

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Ballora's POV

Finally after a day of school me and baby go home! When I open the door baby falls down and mumbles something that I couldn't hear very well but I knew this happened last time.

I shrug it off and walk carefully around her and I write a note, putting it on her back saying 'One Lazy Baby Please Walk Around' I giggle at my joke and I start watching the television.

Until ennard came in with some kids who look like his friends.They read the note on baby's back and then carefully walk around her and start laughing and making jokes about it.

I ignore them knowing ennard is responsible with the house and guests, so I keep scrolling through the channels that baby paid. I now notice that baby is mostly the one who pays the bills or the cable internet stuff.

Baby is a very hard worker cause then otherwise she would have been living in the streets homeless with ennard, bidybab, and electrobab. Anyways enough chatting in my head.

"Baby get up its already 5 in the afternoon"-Ballora


"Well someone named michael called"-Ballora

"What did he say?"-Baby

"He said something about going out to eat at springtraps apple juice bar?"-Ballora

"Ill be riight back"-Baby

Baby's POV

SHOOT MICHAEL CALLED AT A WRONG TIME BUT WHATEVER! I dress up in some decent but cool clothes and fix my hair.

"Bye ennard's friends!"-Baby

"Where are you going baby?"-Ballora

"Well isnt it obvious?"-Baby

"A date?"-Ballora

"HECK NO i would dress better than this"-Baby

"Ok then where?"-Ballora

"Im going out to drink with my pal mike"-Baby



"Oh then sorry for overreacting"-Ballora

"Its cool now imma go and see my buddy bye ballora"-Baby

"Ok then bye baby be safe"-Ballora

"Will do"-Baby

I walk over to mike's place and we both walk to springtraps bar. I feel like he's trying to tell me something though but I don't know what it is. We finally arrive at springtrap's apple bar. He looks even more nervous than usual...what's going on with mike?

"H-hey b-baby?"-Mike

"Yea mike?"-Baby

"Well the reason why I-I asked you here was to tell you"-Mike

"Tell me what bro?"-Baby


"That what bro?"-Baby


The whole bar went silent. Even I was silent. All I did was put my arm around his.

"Look buddy,paal listen im already taken"-Baby

"B-by who!"-Mike

"By a girl I love"-Baby slightly drunk

"Oh I thought it was a boy cause I was gonna beat him up for taking you"-Mike

"But also *hic* Im gay for woman and *hic* I dont liiikke yoouu brroo *hic* your like a brotherrr to me ookkkk?"-Baby drunk

"Ok i get it I wont try to make you love me since im not a monster"-Mike

"Ok buud *hic* nowww taake me home *hic* I got brottheerss to taake carre ooff"-Baby still drunk

"Ok good thing we live close to each other cmon baby you had too much drinks for the night"-Mike

"IM A MAN YOU WOMAN *hic*"-Baby

"Yea your the man baby"-Mike

We walked home safely and mike knocked on the door, ballora who was still up at the time answered the door and saw me and mike.

"Thank you for taking care of baby"-Ballora

"No problem future miss elizabeth"-Mike

"W-WHAT?!"-Ballora flustered

"Doesnt baby have a girlfriend?"-Mike

"Yeeepp riight heeeeree *hic* theee bluueee lady *hic*"-Baby

"Well anyways cya at work tommorow baby and bye blue lady if thats your name"-Mike

Ballora said her goodbyes to mike and carried me to the couch since she was watching a movie.

"Heeyyy whoo aree yoouu *hic* beeeeeautiful blue persoon *hic*"-Baby

"Baby what are you d-doing?"-Ballora

"Checkinnn youurr beeeaautiful faaaccee *hic* itss soo soooffftt hehe"-Baby

Ballora was beet red but kept watching the movie. My drunken self went closer to ballora's lap and i rested there for a while until I did something...

"Heeeyy bluee persssoon"-Baby

"Yes baby?"-Ballora

"Are youuu takeen? *hic*"-Baby

"No didnt I told you y-yesterday?"-Ballora

"Weeell if your nooot takeeen wannna be mineess *hic*"-Baby still drunk

"I d-dont know baby"-Ballora getting reedd!!

Then I did the unexpected...


How Opposites Attracted (babyxballora human story)Where stories live. Discover now