Chapter 16

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July 25th

I smile as I steer the boat through the familiar waters of Noyo Bay and under the bridge.  We're back to where most of my family vacations as a kid were spent, and where I lived for the last five years before I started on this adventure.   I glance over and Kailani is holding onto the railing around the deck, looking around eagerly.   I can't wait for her to meet my grandparents, she's going to love them.   They're very funny old people, and you can't help but love them. We called them right before we left Portland to tell them we're on our way down there, and let them know about when to expect us.   They were completely overjoyed, and sounded like they couldn't wait to see us.

"Is that..."   Kailani says as she points off towards the marina we're pulling up to.

I look where she's pointing and far ahead I see two white-haired people waving excitedly as we come closer, and an enormous grin breaks out onto my face.

"Yep, that's them.   They'd recognize this boat anywhere." 

I steer us closer, and when we're within shouting distance, my Grandpa's voice floats out across the water.

"Pull her in here, Noah!   We've already got this spot just for you!"

I pull up right next to them, and Kailani tosses my grandfather a line to tie us off at the front, while I jump to the dock and tie us off at the back. When I'm done, I look up and my grandmother throws her arms around me.

"Noah, honey, it's so good to see you! You've been away for so long!" My grandmother exclaims excitedly.

"It's only been a few months." I say with a grin.

"Only a few months." My grandfather scoffs as he saunters up to me. "It's been about seven. Come here, squirt." He adds as he wraps me in a bear hug.

I return the hug, and then turn to the side as Kailani jumps off the boat behind me. "Grandma, Grandpa, this is Kailani." I say with a smile as I hold out my hand towards her.

My grandmother pushes past me and wraps Kailani in a hug. "Oh, dear, we've heard so much about you! Well, I suppose you were always around when Noah would call us, weren't you?" She releases Kailani from the hug and looks at her with a smile.

Kailani nods. "I've heard a lot of great things about you guys, too."

My grandfather walks up and surprises Kailani with a hug. "Oh, you get a hug from me, too. If you've put up with this guy as long as he says you have, and you're still around, you're basically family now."

I roll my eyes. "Really, Grandpa? I'm not that bad."

Kailani smirks. "I don't know, sometimes you can be a know..." She says as she shrugs.

My jaw drops and my grandparents burst out laughing, a second later Kailani and I join them.

"You're going to fit right in, Kailani." My grandfather says as he pats her on the back.

"Well, come now, grab your bags and we'll go back to the house." My grandmother says as she turns back towards their car.

I jump back on the boat, and grab the two backpacks we'd already packed, and follow the rest of them as they walk up the dock and towards my grandparent's car. They've upgraded cars in the five years since my mom's accident, and the one they have now is a tan, 1999 Buick. Yeah, you heard me right. It's basically the exact same car, just two years newer. There's something about this particular style car that they absolutely love, don't ask me what it is, because I honestly couldn't tell you.

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