Chapter 18

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August 13th

"Seriously, Grandpa, do you really need four rakes?"

My grandfather looks at me with a sheepish grin. "No, I suppose I just need one. Throw that old one away, and then put the two best looking ones in the pile to donate."

My grandparents have enlisted our help in cleaning out their garage before we head to Los Angeles. They've been wanting to do this for a while, and we're finally getting around to it.

"I haven't seen this part of the garage in years." I say teasingly, and my grandmother scoffs.

"Oh, be quiet, Noah. You know it hasn't been that long."

Kailani quietly laughs, as she continues sorting through the random assortment of odds and ends. She holds up a tangled mess of cords and hoses. "Need this?"

My grandfather looks over and his eyes light up as he walks over to Kailani. "That's where that went!" He holds it in his hands for a second, and then hands it back to her. "I have no earthly idea what this is." He says with a short chuckle.

Kailani bursts out laughing, unable to stop herself this time as she points to the garbage can and raises her eyebrows as a question.

My grandfather nods. "Unless you want it." He says with a twinkle in his eye.

"As useful as it seems, I think I'm good." Kailani manages to squeeze out amidst recovering from laughing as she tosses the jumbled mess into a garbage can.

"Well, would you look at that!" My grandmother exclaims. "I just found a brand new waffle maker, still in the box and everything."

"Didn't your old one just fall apart?" Kailani responds enthusiastically.

My grandmother nods. "It did. Looks like I'll be able to make waffles again before you leave, after all!"

I subconsciously lick my lips at the thought of her waffles. She's made waffles every Sunday morning for as long as I can remember, it's just something she's always liked doing. What makes them so good, though, is that she loves to get creative with the flavors. Lemon Meringue Pie Waffles, Southwestern Cornbread and Salsa Waffles, Brie and Blueberry Grilled Cheese Waffles, really nothing's too unique for her to try. She never tells us ahead of time what the flavor would be, and instead prefers to surprise us. Regardless of how crazy the flavors are that she dreams up, they've always turned out delicious. Sunday mornings are something I always look forward to, and since we've been here, Kailani looks forward to Sundays just as much, if not more than I do.

"I'm going to make something very special for you two this Sunday before you guys leave." My grandmother says with a twinkle in her eye. "I guarantee neither of you will have ever had anything like what I'm thinking."

My eyes get wide, and I glance over and see Kailani with the same look on her face. What in the world does my grandmother have up her sleeve this time? We turn and look at her expectantly, and she laughs.

"Oh, don't think you're going to get it out of me." She says with a smile. "You'll find out on Sunday."

I groan in dismay, and continue clearing out the section of the garage I'm working on. Suddenly my phone vibrates, and I look down to see a text from Carter.

"Hey, Kailani. Carter's saying he's having a few people over to his house tonight, and asking if we want to come." I say as I look up towards her. "Wanna go?"

Kailani's face lights up. "Sure! It sounds like fun!"

My grandmother grins and looks at Kailani. "Oh, you'll love where Carter and his family live." Then she turns towards me. "What do you want to take over there? Maybe the watermelon we have in the fridge?"

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