Chapter 19

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August 20th

I take a deep breath of the morning air and absent-mindedly turn my head to the right, gazing out across the ocean. Out there, hidden by the dense fog, are the islands my mom held so dear. I can't see them, but all the same I know they're there, it's almost as if I can feel them. I actually feel an arm wrap around me from the side, and I glance at Kailani with an appreciative smile.

"You know..."

"I know." Kailani says understandingly. "The Channel Islands are right out there, aren't they?"

I nod my head slowly. Kailani knows, without me even having to tell her. I've given up trying to figure out how she figures out certain things, after spending all this time together she's just be able to read me really well. Either that or she can actually read my mind. I haven't completely counted out that theory yet.

"Aloha wau ia 'oe."

I look back at her, and she's looking up at me with a sweet smile on her face. It's crazy how selfless this girl is, and how she's always ready to be there for me, no matter what I'm going through.

"Thanks." I smile as I shake my head in disbelief. "Thanks for being willing to be here for me through all this."

"Of course." She says as she squeezes her arm around me one more time before letting go. "I'll always be here for you."

"Seriously, though." I argue. "You didn't sign up for this trip when you started this adventure with me. I won't blame you if you change your mind."

Kailani rolls her eyes and slaps my arm. "Stop being an idiot, Noah. I want to be here with you."

Michael Buble's voice drifts through the wind around us, playing from the record player on the seat nearby. Kailani starts singing along quietly, and I smile my first legitimate smile today.

The weight of coming back to Los Angeles has been weighing heavily on me for a while, but it's been especially bad the last few days. I've always put off coming back, never wanting to make the trip back here and have all the memories come flooding back, but something about having Kailani by my side doesn't make the thought of finally returning to LA seem so awful. It's weird, I think I'm almost looking forward to showing her the places that my mom and I would always go, and what our favorite things to do were.

I wrinkle my nose. I've never been this close to anyone since my mom died. Sure, I have friends in Fort Bragg, but I never let any of them really see how affected I was, and still am, by my mom's death, and honestly by my dad's rejection, too. Heck, I never really talked about my past a whole lot, everyone just knew me as the guy who lives with his grandparents because he lost his mom, and his dad isn't in the picture. But with Kailani it's different. She's easy to talk to, understanding, and she really listens and cares. Maybe because she's been hurt too.

I sneak a glance at Kailani out of the corner of my eyes and I can't help it, but my smile drops and I frown a little. My grandfather kept teasing us about dating, and while every time we'd argue and say it's not true, inside I wished it was. I still do. I really, really like her and would love to have the chance for us to be more than just friends, to see where this could go. But no, stupid Daniel and him being an idiot ruined my chance at that. Honestly I never saw myself being be so mad at someone I don't even know that I'd want to legitimately beat them up on sight, but that's how I feel about him. How could he do what he did to someone as sweet as Kailani? She was actually in love with him, and he just didn't care. Didn't care at all, and crushed her to a pulp. How could he hurt her like that? She's absolutely amazing and deserves way better. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'd at least treat her better than Daniel ever did. I wouldn't be demanding, I wouldn't belittle her or her thoughts, I...oh, but who am I kidding. That's the problem. After how awful he was to her, she's hardcore anti-relationship. And honestly I don't blame her.

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