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So. We're on snow day number like, three? I think? And while I love the time away from school, I'm getting bored and anxious and I miss my friends but the roads are too dangerous for me to drive and see people. I feel isolated enough as it is, Michigan doesn't have to be doing this to me. Also I'm really worried about everyone living on the streets and all the stray animals right now. It's so cold that doctors are saying that any bare skin will need medical treatment within four minutes outside right now. Imagine having nowhere warm to go. The thought scares me, and I want to do something to help those people and animals, but I don't know what to do. Maybe I should learn to knit or crochet? Then I could leave out blankets and scarves and hats and socks and anything else that could help. I don't know. 

Moving on from my worries. 

I've been trying to find a new job for around a month now, but nowhere has called me back. Which sucks. My mother used to work at Montague Foods and says that they would probably just about hire me on the spot, but I've been avoiding working there, not because I've heard it's a bad place to work, but because both of my brothers work there, and I really, really don't want to work with them. However, since no one else will hire me, I put in an application there today. Here's hoping I get the job, because college is expensive and I'm not rich. I applied to the cashier position, which should be fun if I get the job. I love working cashier at tech. If they don't call me back, though, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe I'll just give up and turn to prostitution to pay for college. Who knows. 

I've been wanting to get back into filming videos for my youtube channel, but I don't know what to film. I did an update on my life video sometime last week, but when I went to edit it, I hated the way my upper body looked so much that I just deleted all of the footage. I love dealing with body image issues. Oh well. The lighting was weird anyway. Maybe I'll film something this week? I probably won't, but you never know. 

Yesterday, I made some bomb as heck whoopee pies. I had to explain what whoopee pies were to my family, though, which was disappointing. I love making them, but unfortunately, I don't enjoy eating them most of the time, since you mostly come across chocolate ones, and chocolate is the bane of my life. I fricking hate it. It's disgusting. People ask me how I can be a girl and hate chocolate all the time, which makes absolutely no sense, because chocolate has no influence on gender at all. Whatever. I also get asked how I can be alive and not like chocolate, which makes no sense, either. I still eat. People have the same reaction when they find out I don't eat potatoes. I just don't like them. They're gross to me. Stop commenting on it. 

I ran out of facial moisturizer this morning and have no money to get more. Oh, the woes of a teenager. There could be worse problems, though. 

My lighter also ran out today, which is sad because I use that lighter to light candles, and there isn't another lighter in the house. Luckily, I found a box of strike anywhere matches on top of the fridge, so I used one of those to light my candle this morning. I love the smell of a lit match. It reminds me of my grandpa. He used to always smell like that. Lit match smell, wood smoke, and sawdust. That was him. He was a lumberjack before he died, and he used to always have giant campfires with us when we visited. I miss that. I miss him. So when I lit my match this morning, I couldn't help but smile. It was like having my grandpa back for a little bit. It brought back so many memories. I wish I could talk to him again. 

I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I just wanted to talk to someone, but didn't want to annoy anyone. So instead of texting, I'm writing out my thoughts, and then publishing them for anyone to see. How intimate. 

I suppose I should go now. I don't want to drag this on too long. 

Goodbye, loves. 

Part Two: the SequelWhere stories live. Discover now