An Astonishing Announcement

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Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel and Frank were having a couples picnic.

Yes, I said picnic.


Six world-saving demigods can't have a couples picnic?

Despite their life being a little... weird, they all were able to set aside time to hang out. And let me tell you, they needed it.

They went swimming in the lake, which led to Jason starting a water fight(big mistake: Percy dominated), they drove out to a New York café for lunch, and went strawberry picking in Camp Half-Blood's fields. Jason found a rose and gave it to Piper, while Percy had been too busy trying to help Frank get untangled from the chicken wire to do anything romantic for Annabeth.

Now they were just chilling out having a picnic on the beach. The sun was no where near setting, even though it was 7pm. The beauty of the summer radiated from every aspect of their surroundings. Annabeth was currently playing a card game with Percy which he constantly lost at, but didn't care. Hazel and Frank were pointing out shapes in the sky. Piper was showing Jason how to weave the grass together.

To the untrained eye, they would've appeared to be happy. And they were. Except for the lingering thought in the back of their mind of the one person who should be here.

Leo. He would've shown up anyways, even though he was single. He would have commented on how he deserved a rose from Jason as well. He would've said that it didn't matter that he wasn't dating anyone, because 'all da ladies luv leo'. It just wasn't the same without him.

Finally, Piper addressed the elephant in the room.

Her voice cut across the sound of the waves brushing the shore. "I wish Leo was here."

There were mumbled agreements.

"But we can't sit here and mope about it," Hazel said determinedly. "He would have wanted us to be happy."


"Shut up Jason."

"Guys, we should think about it. Leo's not really gone. Neither Festus or Leo were found, so he's probably out there, flying around on his dragon, causing mischief," Percy pointed out.

Piper smiled. "I can totally see him sneaking up on the President of the United States saying, 'I am an alien, I come in peace'."

Jason snorted. "More like, 'I am an alien, give me all of your mechanical tools and money'."

They all started laughing.

Frank was about to say something when someone cleared their throat. Six heads swivelled to see Nico Di Angelo standing there awkwardly.
"Um... Chiron wants us at the Big House so..."

It was clear he was uncomfortable being around the couples.
Annabeth, ever ready to obey their instructor, stood up. "Okay then. Let's go."


Seven demigods and a centaur crowded around the ping pong table. Usually there was some form of snack, but this meeting was so sudden there hadn't been time to grab any crackers from the pantry.
Percy and Annabeth both looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes. They both could remember the many quests that had started from this exact spot. Both of them hoped whatever this was, it wouldn't involve almost death.
"So what's up?" Percy asked, leaning his elbows on the table.
Chiron gave a great big sigh as one does when one is not happy to do something. "I see no reason to stall your answer. You seven are needed."
"What do you mean, 'needed'?" Nico asked with air quotations.
"You will be leaving in a few hours. You'll be helping out another world which has a great threat looming over it."
Jason folded his arms. "Leaving? Wait a second here. The war only ended a year ago!" They all agreed. Couldn't a demigod catch a break?
"I know I know." Chiron scratched his goatee. "That is why it pains me to make you go. But that world is about to suffer through a war as well."
Annabeth put a hand to signal for everyone to hold up. "Chiron, you keep saying 'that world'. Is it like another planet?"
"No no. Same planet. But, these folk are a bit like you. Not quite human, yet living amongst them."
Hazel furrowed her eyebrows. "And that means.......?"
"They're wizards and witches."
All seven demigods froze. A few with mouths agape, the others with wide eyes. Wizards and witches, what in heavens did that mean?
Percy and Jason broke the ice. "Like old guys with beards and pointy hats and wands?" Percy said at the same time as Jason said: "Like old warty ladies with brooms and black cats and potions?"
Chiron chuckled. "Not too far off ma boys."
Annabeth blinked. "You're joking right?"
"No Annabeth, I'm not."
Annabeth frowned. "But I've read every single textbook of other worlds, but there was no mention of wizards! There are sorcerers like Circe—"
"I'd like to forget her," Percy muttered.
"—and Hecate is the goddess of magic, but that's it! Are you seriously telling me their is a secret society right under all of our noses?"
"I know it's difficult to believe, but it's true."
Annabeth sat down in a chair. Her eyes were dazed for a second before her head snapped up. "I'm going to need some wizarding textbooks right away."
"Will do. Now anyways, you'll be going to a school in Britain."
"School?" Nico exclaimed at the same time Frank said, "Britain?"
"Chiron, hold up, you know we don't do well in schools—"
"All the way in Britain! That's a completely different continent—"
"—how will we even get there—"
"—we aren't witches and wizards-"
Chiron stomped his hooves to silence the oncoming flow of questions. "Hush children. I will explain, but you must promise not to interrupt."
Percy was about to say something, but Annabeth elbowed him. Percy sighed and waved him to continue. "Go ahead."
Chiron proceeded to explain about the Ministry of Magic, how witches and wizards live in secret, Hogwarts, and all the different things about wizards.
"I guess that's the basics. Any questions?"
Annabeth, who had been bursting with questions the whole time, asked the most pressing one in her mind. "Why are we going to Britain, and not staying in America?"
"Because here the wizards are not threatened. But in Britain, it is plenty bad. You see, there is a bit of a villain. He goes by a few names. The Dark Lord to his followers, You-Know-Who or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to most, and a few brave enough to save the name, he's Voldemort. Voldemort is reigning terror over Britain. But he does not do it in an open way. His followers are the ones out on the field. They are called Death Eaters. At the moment, the entire wizard population of Britain is under a bit of distress."
"Why don't they just fight him? They have a Ministry," Jason asked.
"My dear boy, it's not that simple. They are trying, but as I said, Lord Voldemort does not come out in the open. The aurors, which are wizards fighting against the darkness, are having troubles. You see, the Ministry has been infiltrated. Some of the people in the highest positions are on the opposing side. Some people aren't even in control of themselves. The other thing is, the Death Eaters have an advantage. One, the Ministry only fights with people who are of age- seventeen in Britain- and those who have gone through auror training. The Death Eaters will recruit anyone, and they have use of the three Unforgivable Curses.
"They are so named that if one were to use it, they would be sent to Azkaban, a wizarding prison. The first one, is the Imperious Curse. When it is cast upon someone, they are under that wizards control. They have absolutely no will. This is how a lot of people in the Ministry are right now. They don't know what they're doing. Then there is the Cruicatus Curse. When it is cast upon someone- they feel immense agony. When cast upon someone long enough, they can be tortured to insanity- or death. Then the final curse is Avada Kadavra. The killing curse. You get hit- you are dead. No second chances, no slow death, just like that- you are gone."
The demigods were silent as they registered the horror of these curses.
The Piper spoke up. "Um, Chiron, what exactly is the reason?"
Everyone looked at Piper strangely.
"The reason these curses exist? Piper, there's been lots of villains over time-"
"No—I mean—every villain has a reason. Kronos wanted to remake the world and get rid of the gods—that was his reason. The Romans were attacking us because they thought we were a threat. Everyone has a reason. So what's Voldemort's?"
"He wants to make the wizards blood pure again. You see, there are three different kinds of wizards. Purebloods, descended from wizards on both sides, Half-Bloods- no not you guys- but people who's parents are one a wizard, and the other side a muggle- non-magic folk. Then finally, a muggleborn. Muggleborns have both parents are muggles.
"The Death Eaters think that muggleborns are unworthy to have magic. That they stole it. Death Eaters despise muggles and muggleborns and often try to kill them off. The Death Eaters make a sport out of torturing and killing muggles and muggleborns."
"That's horrible!"
"Indeed it is Hazel."
Annabeth bit her lip. "I'm still confused. What are we supposed to do about it? I assume that's all not just happening in a single school." Percy could see all the pieces connecting in her head, and the want to have them all.
"A school is where students learn. I'm not clear on your part, but I assume you'll be helping the students be prepared for the war." Chiron told them.
"So we won't actually be in the war?"

All seven demigods breathed in relief. No one wanted to go through another war.
"The headmaster will brief you on your job."
"When exactly will be leaving and how will we be getting there?" Percy asked. He'd like to tell his mother that he wouldn't be going to a school in the city.
"You'll be leaving at 10:00pm, which is in two hours. The headmaster will come to pick you up."
"Wait, since we're going to a wizarding school, don't we need like supplies?"
"Yes you do. And you also need to pick your electives. Your supplies have already been packed into your trunk. You just have to add anything else you might need. You'll find your trunks back in your cabin."
"Question: how do we pick our electives?"
Chiron handed each demigod a piece of paper. "Here. You can pick three at most."

Classes for Seventh Year Students:

Defence Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

Care of Magical Creatures- learning about creatures and how to take care of them
Divination- studying the future
Alchemy- learning and testing with gold
Arthimancy- calculating
Ancient Runes- translating runes
Muggle Studies- learning about muggles
Astronomy- studying the skies
Herbology- learning about wizarding plants

"Studying the future?" Piper asked.

"Potions?" Nico asked.

"Yes. Do not worry—the teachers know that you are not experienced and will be there to help. But some of you will find yourselves experts already at a few things."

The seven demigods filled out their sheets of paper and handed them back to Chiron.

"Hey, since we're going to go undercover as wizards, do we get wands?" Jason asked and the demigods looked at Chiron eagerly.

"Yes. I have them here. First, Percy."

He held out a white wand with blue swirls. "Made out of shells, expert for offensive spells, not flexible, seaweed core."

"Ha. Always said you were a Seaweed Brain." Annabeth laughed and Percy stuck out his tongue at her childishly.


He gave her a grey wand with a gold handle.

"Wood from an ancient grey wood tree, owl feather core, springy and good for charms."

He gave Jason a gold wand. "Jason. Made from the tree on Mount Tam from which Hera gave to Zeus as a wedding present. Eagle feather core, mildly flexible."

"Hazel. Made from the trees of the underworld, along with a diamond handle. A hair from Cerberus is the core, and it is swishy." Chiron gave her a black wand with a silver handle.

"Frank. Dragon heartstring core, made from an oak tree. Flexible." He handed him a brown wand that was jagged on one edge.

"Nico. Also made from the trees of the underworld; one the kindly ones feathers is the core. Not springy." It was a pure black wand.

"Finally Piper. Made from a Japanese blossom tree, the core is the stem of a rose. Flexible and good for defensive spells." It was a light coloured with a pink heart near the base.

The demigods admired their wands. Jason have his a little swish, and gold sparks appeared. He decided maybe he should wait until he knew what he was doing.

"Do not try casting spells right now. I'd suggest packing."

All seven demigods exited the room, each excited with the prospect of magic.

Author's Note:
This story was written over the span of two years on a different website. That's why the beginning chapters are going to kinda suck, but I promise it gets a hundred times better if you keep reading. I improved a lot as a writer. (This was also my first fanfiction, so if you want to know what my current writing ability looks like, and what the end chapters of this book look like, check out my story The Life I'm Running From.)

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