Don't Pretend You Don't Like Him

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It was noon when Nico found himself eating lunch alone at the Slytherin table. He liked to eat lunch before everyone came in, so he could slip away from the loud crowds. But today it seemed everyone wanted to eat lunch on time, because the Great Hall was busier than usual. The Ravenclaw table was even full.

Yet, despite the lack of seats, the spaces beside and in front of Nico stayed empty. No one wanted to sit by him. He didn't blame them. He wouldn't sit with himself either.

A group of Slytherin's passed behind Nico, one of their elbows painfully connecting with his back. Nico turned around to glare at the offender, and found it to be Evan Rosier. Nico didn't know if it was on purpose or not, because Evan walked away with the group.

When Nico had told him to stay away from Hazel, Evan had started to realize that Nico wasn't being truthful about everything. Evan distanced himself, and Nico let it happen. He was sick of the whole evil charade he had to keep up. It was tiring and sickening.

Also, because of his stupid act, he had lost all of his friends. And now they'd never forgive him.

"How's your lunch?"

Nico blinked out of his dreary thoughts. Hazel was smiling at him, sliding onto the bench across the table. She seemed cheerful, in a way he could never achieve.

"Good," he said absentmindedly.

Hazel raised her eyebrows. "You haven't even ate any of your food. How can you know?"

Nico shrugged and wiggled his fingers. "Shadow powers."

While dishing up salad, Hazel shook her head. "Pretty sure it doesn't work that way."

As Hazel started to eat her food, they fell into silence. Nico decided he better eat something, so he took his roll and started to chew on the end. His eyes started to wander across the Great Hall at all the students. Professor Slughorn was eating like he was in a competition, and Flitwick was chugging his drink just as quickly. Professor Carthy didn't look too impressed.

Hazel dropped her fork on her plate. The sound startled Nico out of his thoughts and he looked over at her. Hazel turned pink. "Oops. Sorry. I didn't mean for it to be that loud." She waited a few seconds for the students around them to look away, then started to speak again. "Nico, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Nico stabbed a piece of lettuce from his salad with his fork, looking anything but okay.

Hazel pushed her plate away and stared at Nico. "What are you thinking about?"


Hazel wasn't convinced, but she let it go. After a few beats, she broached a different topic. "Will you ever forgive them?"

Nico frowned. "Who?"

Hazel sighed and rested her chin on her hand. "Our friends, Nico. Frank and Annabeth and Piper and Per—"

Nico cut off Hazel. "They don't want to be friends with me." Nico's voice grew quieter. "They made that pretty clear."

She waved away the comment. "Of course they do. I've already told a few of them what you were doing. I'm sure the others will understand as soon as you tell them."

Someone hollered over at the Gryffindor table. Percy and the Marauders were yelling and messing around. It seemed Lily Evans was trying to get them to sit down when Professor McGonagall approached. They quieted down, and Nico saw Percy's face for a second. He was grinning at something James Potter said.

Nico turned away. The image of Percy's cold eyes flashed through his mind.

"No." Nico shook his head. "No, they won't."

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