A Ravenpuff Match

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Nyx Rameriz sat down beside Annabeth and Emmeline, her fellow Ravenclaw friends. Emmeline had finished her small breakfast, and was picking at her nails. Annabeth on the other hand, looked like she was just starting to eat.

As Nyx dished up her food, she sensed a tension in the air. Neither girls were talking.

After several minutes of silence, Nyx couldn't take it. "Is there something wrong?"

"Annabeth has a Quidditch match today," Emmeline replied nonchalantly.

Nyx turned fixed her eyes on Annabeth, who was inhaling her breakfast. "That's today? I thought that was next week,"

Emmeline shook her head. "No, it's today. Ravenclaw verses Hufflepuff."

So that's why Annabeth was eating more than usual. Nyx nibbled a piece of her toast, and looked around the Great Hall. The Hufflepuff team was all sitting together, each of them looking nervous. There was a girl standing up and addressing them dressed in a yellow and black Quidditch uniform, and Nyx thought she looked a lot like Aaron Jones, the Ravenclaw captain.

"If you eat anymore, you're going to have trouble fitting in your uniform." Emmeline said, watching disdainfully at the lack of manners Annabeth was showing as she shovelled down food.

"I want to have enough strength for the game," Annabeth said between bites. Her hair was messy and falling in her face, and Annabeth repeatedly brushed it away.

"You'll do fine," Nyx reassured Annabeth.

Annabeth smiled weakly back. "I better go get ready."


A shrill whistle sounded through the room, alerting everyone to Aaron, who was calling for attention.

Jason stopped his conversation with Troy Stein and looked at his captain. Aaron didn't look any different than usual, seemingly unfazed about the game that started soon.

"Okay, this is our first game of the year. We need to win this, to prove to everyone else that we're a force to be reckoned with." Aaron explained.

"Intimidate and scare them." Ryder Hart deduced. The only sign of Ryder being nervous was the way he was agitatedly throwing the Quaffle back and forth.

Aaron nodded. "Yes. But this isn't going to be an easy win. Hufflepuff has a good team—"

"I checked out their team," Anna Illa interrupted. "They shouldn't be too challenging to beat. Most of their team is young."

"I wouldn't underestimate my sister. She was probably going for speed, not size," Aaron said.

Sister? Jason thought.

Everyone started to talk at once. Jason frowned and Troy asked, "Sister?"

Something dawned on Ryder. "The Hufflepuff captain is Koralee Jones. And your last name is Jones."

"She's the older one right?" Annabeth asked. "I've seen her in class."

Abby Limilon clapped her hands excitedly. "That gives us an advantage! You know how she plays!"

Aaron brought the whistle to his lips and blew it again, silencing everyone. "Yes, Koralee's my sister. I know how she plays, but she also knows how I play. And I know she's good, so we're going to have to play our best if we're going to beat her."

"We can do it." Jason said.

Aaron grinned. "Yes we can. Now let's get out there!"


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