The Start of Something New

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"There's no way you ate seven pies."

Sirius looked offended. "Of course I did!"

Piper shook her head and brushed a piece of hair from her face. "No way. Why would you do that anyways?"

"I told you, James dared me. I threw up afterwards too."

Piper scrunched up her face. "Too much information. And I still don't believe you."

He laughed, throwing back his head. The wind ruffled his black hair and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him. "Well I'm as Sirius as can be."

She made a face and threw a tuft of grass at him. "That was terrible."

"Only for you," he said cheekily.

"And for James, Remus, Peter—"

"Okay, okay," Sirius said holding up his hands in surrender. "But I don't do this with them."

He leaned down and met Piper's mouth with his. Kissing Sirius was hot—like fire hurtling off a cliff. She wound her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He pulled back for a breath and smiled.

Piper rested her head on his collarbone, comfortably wrapped in his arms. "So that cologne wasn't a waste of money after all," she murmured.

"Not at all." He buried his face in her hair. "Best gift ever, Piper."

They stayed like that for awhile. Piper enjoyed the way the wind blew over the grass, occasionally giving a strong blast, before becoming calm. The snow had melted yesterday, revealing dead yellow grass underneath. It was due to snow again tomorrow, so it had been Sirius' idea to come outside. It wasn't a very original idea though. Many students were out on the grounds. Not too far away Piper could see Annabeth and that girl she was friends with studying underneath a tree.

"Desiree told Zayn Cadera that she liked him," Piper commented.

"Hm?" Sirius looked down at Piper. "What did he say?"

Piper chuckled bitterly. "He laughed at her, said she was stupid. She cried all night."

Sirius winced. "I hope she's okay. He's a jerk. He could've at least let her down gently."


Sirius started humming something, a tune Piper didn't recognize. Sirius did this often when they were alone. It always gave Piper a warm feeling in her heart. There was laughter from behind them, but they didn't turn.
"What time is it?" Piper asked, dreading the answer.
Sirius checked his watch. "Almost three," he answered while Piper groaned. "Why? Do you have to go somewhere?"
"I have to go talk to Professor Carthy about something." Piper sighed, unhappily untangling herself from her boyfriend. "I think she's mad that I failed the practical test last week."
"I can help you with spells sometime," Sirius offered, standing up and brushing dirt from his trousers.
Sirius held out a hand to Piper, helping her up. She sighed. "I might have to take you up on that offer."
A large gust of wind blew across the grass, and Piper pulled her jacket more securely around herself. She stepped closer to Sirius, his body sheltering her from the vicious gusts.
He looked down at her, his hair going wild in wind. "Scared of a little breeze?"
The wind whipped her hair across her face and she shook her head. "Never."
Sirius grinned and intertwined their hands. They started to walk back to the castle, their hands swinging in between them.
Piper's hair was in tangles by the time they stepped through Hogwarts' front doors and she felt suddenly self-conscious about it. Sirius' hair still looked great despite the wind, but Piper's absolutely didn't. She reached up her free hand to smooth it down. Her fingers got caught in the knots and she grunted.
"I'll see you at dinner," Sirius said before kissing her cheek. "Bye."
Piper smiled briefly. "Goodbye."
Sirius disappeared down a corner and Piper dejectedly headed the other way, towards Professor Carthy's classroom. This route had fewer students as most didn't have a reason to be near the library or classrooms. Piper wondered where Marlene was. Marlene had still been sleeping when Piper had left the dormitory this morning. Maybe she was in the common room. Or she could be with her boyfriend, Jax Gray—
Lost in thought, Piper rammed shoulders with someone else. Neither of them dropped anything, but the other student was clearly angry,
"Watch it!" Megan Redmayne sneered, tossing her hair and stalking away.
Piper watched the Ravenclaw strut down the hallway, and frowned. Megan seemed to hate her, and Piper had no clue why. She tried to recall a time when she had hurt Megan. Whenever she passed Megan in the hallways, Megan would glare or sneer or something of the type.
There was the beginning of the year when Megan had insulted her in Transfiguration, and then Marlene had said Megan was mean to everyone. But this seemed more... personal.
Nevertheless, Piper kept walking. She didn't want to be late for her meeting with Professor Carthy. Piper never liked privately meeting teachers, but Professor Carthy was different some how. Piper trusted her more.
Piper passed the library and saw Annabeth entering, her hair in a neat ponytail, even though Piper knew she had been outside a few minutes ago. Of course her hair was perfect.

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