The Result of Potions

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Flurries of snow fell outside on the Hogwarts grounds. The winter had been relatively snowless up to this point, and the newfound chill brought many frowns along with it. Unfortunately, though the Black Lake had frozen over, it was still too fragile to skate on. Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology classes were cancelled, and the greenhouse was locked up. The Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams stubbornly continued to practice out on the snowy pitch, neither wanting to be behind when their match came. The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff teams were grateful that their match had passed and were curled up inside with hot cocoa like the rest of the students.

This particularly day, a week from Christmas break, the teachers deemed it too cold to teach, letting the students have a free day. Lily had invited Hazel into the Gryffindor common room, and they were sitting in two chairs by the windows.

Hazel placed her fingers to the frosted window and withdrew them quickly. Where she had touched left fingerprints on the icy glass. She wiped the melted snow from the pads of her fingers on her uniform skirt.

"What time is it?" Lily asked, looking around for a clock. She had curled her legs up on the chair with her, dressed in a cozy sweater and fuzzy socks. Hazel wished she could be dressed warmly, but she had to wear her uniform today, unlike everyone else.

Hazel brushed her curly hair out of her face and leaned to the right in order to see the clock. "Fifteen to two. I better go. Don't want to be late to detention."

Lily nodded. "Yeah. I'll be in the library with James when you finish. If not, I'll see you at dinner."

"James?" Hazel asked as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Head duties," Lily said simply.

Hazel left her friend by the window, and made her way out. She wasn't exactly sure where she was going, but she did know she had to make it to the dungeons, and that was downwards.

She was still unhappy that she had gotten detention. Being framed wasn't fun. It should be Terra and Samantha in detention, not her. But fuming about it wouldn't change anything. At least it was only an hour.


Lily wiggled her toes, snuggling deeper into her warm sweater. The sweater had been a gift from Alice last year. She had asked for it extra big so she'd be able to wear it for years to come.

Lily didn't feel like getting up. She had planned to meet James in the library at just after two, but the library wasn't far. She could wait a bit longer.

Besides, she could hear James talking with his friends. Sirius and Remus and Peter and... the new kid. Percy. Yes, that was his name. Percy Jackson, one of Hazel's ex-friends.

Lily's red hair fell into her face, and she didn't move to fix it. Everyone should have cozy jumpers and fuzzy socks in winter, Lily thought.


"Hmm?" Lily looked up, her hair moving out of her face. James was talking to her. He must have left his friends.

James grinned, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. From her height on the chair, he looked taller than she thought he was. "Our meeting, remember?"

Lily sat up, tucking her legs underneath her. "I know. Are you going now?"

James scratched the back of his neck, still seeming much taller than her. "Well I thought we could walk together."

Lily smiled and nodded. "Sure. Just let me grab my bag from my dormitory."

She zipped up the stairs, and found her bag hanging on her cupboard handle. After slinging it over her shoulders, she glanced in the mirror. Her hair was sticking up at the back, so she quickly grabbed a brush to smooth it down.

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