Forced Smiles and Doodling

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"So how's your classes been going for you?"

Frank started in surprise and dropped his quill. It rolled off the table and onto the plush carpet of the Hufflepuff common room.

Rachel Lyne, the girl from the Welcoming Feast, was leaning casually against the wall.

She was looking at him expectingly, so he answered. "Fine I guess. Why'd you scare me?"

"That wasn't my fault. You should be more alert." She pushed off of the wall and leaned down to look at his paper. "That's wrong."

Frank looked up at her. "Did you just come to criticize my work?"


Frank looked at her in confusion.

Rachel was a very strange girl, and that wasn't even counting her purple hair. She had this air of oddness that made you look twice. You couldn't see what she was thinking, all of her thoughts were under lock and key.

Thijs Blue, one boy in Frank's dormitory, thought her strangeness was cute. Zayn Cadera, the other boy in their dormitory, thought she was creepy. It was all about perception.

Frank didn't know what to think. He didn't know her very well yet, but his thoughts weren't like either of the other boys. He didn't think she was creepy, and definitely did not think she was cute. (Hello, he had a girlfriend.)

"Anyways," she pushed her hair to the side, "You seem lonely."

"Um," Frank wasn't sure what to say. Was he lonely?

Rachel sat down on the chair opposite him and crossed her legs. "What's your favourite animal?"


She shrugged. "Why not? You still haven't answered."

Frank thought a moment before replying, "Elephant, but an iguana is a close second."

"Interesting. Mine's a peacock."

Frank nodded. "Nice." Strange enough, it fit.

Rachel continued to ask Frank questions, and he answered. Soon Frank's homework was forgotten. They were having a full-blown conversation, and becoming friends.

And slowly, Frank realized, Rachel was right.

Maybe he was a bit lonely.


"Hey, Nico! Wait up!"

Nico paused and turned to see Evan jogging up to him.

Evan stopped beside him, grinning. "How's your day been going?"

Nico shrugged. "Fine. Where you been?"

"Stuff. If you know what I mean," Evan said smirking. Nico didn't know what he meant, and honestly did not want to know. It could be anything with Evan.

"What class do we got next?" Evan asked as they started walking.

"History of Magic." Nico answered. "Then lunch."

Hazel suddenly appeared. "Hey Nico, I—"

The words died on her lips as she saw Evan. Probably a bit surprised, Nico thought.

She smiled in greeting after getting over her shock, "Hello Evan."

Evan smiled too. "Hey Hazel."

The two of them had only sort of met once, but never really formally. Hazel knew Evan from Nico, and Evan knew Hazel from Nico.

As Nico ducked his head down, he thought he could see Hazel and Evan talking, but without words. You know when you are communicating with your friend but not actually talking? Hazel and Evan were doing that right now. He missed the messages though because he was too busy trying to figure out how to shove his textbook into his overflowing bag. He assumed they were probably have a good conversation though.

"So Hazel, do you want to come to History of Magic with us?" Nico asked, hoping Evan and Hazel could get to know Evan better.

Hazel smiled in joy. "I'd love to."

The three of them walked, side by side, down the hallway.

Nico struggled with his bag, grunting in frustration.

"Here," Hazel said. "Let me help you." She took the textbook and bag from him. After adjusting the books inside, she was easily able to slide the textbook in.

"Thanks Hazel." Nico slung the bag over his shoulder.

A silence fell over them.

Hazel glanced over at Evan who was to busy fixing his hair in his reflection to notice. Nico could see some sort of emotion flicker across her face, but he wasn't sure what. She was probably rolling her eyes at him or something.

"So, Hazel, how was Care of Magical Creatures?" Nico asked.

Hazel smiled, as she always did when talking about animals. "Awesome. We got to draw bowtruckles."

"Cool." Nico had no idea what those were. But it was something to talk about. Gosh, how we was glad that Evan and Hazel got along so well.


Hazel hated Evan.

Utterly, strongly loathed him.

Maybe it's because he was most likely a Death Eater. Maybe because he had that cocky and arrogant attitude.

Hazel wasn't quite positive why. But she knew she definitely hated him.

And Nico was dumb enough to not notice. Did he actually think she was having a good time talking to him? Every smile was forced, every thought directed on getting out of there as soon as possible.

Why did it take this long to get to History of Magic? Hazel was pretty sure time was slowing down on purpose.

After finally reaching the classroom, Hazel split off from them, making a beeline to sit by Annabeth.

The Slytherins and Ravenclaws shared this class, so Hazel didn't have to suffer alone.

"Hey Hazel." Annabeth said turning around.

"Hi Annabeth," Hazel said in relief as she sat down.

Professor Binns, a ghost, started the class and Hazel glanced to the back of the room where Nico and Evan sat.

They were talking in hushed tones that the professor was oblivious to. Evan caught her eye and turned to grin at her.

Hazel turned away so fast she spilled her ink on her parchment.
"Ug, stupid Evan." Hazel muttered under her breath.

"Um, Hazel, you know that you did that, right?" Annabeth whispered to her.

I do know, Annabeth, Hazel thought. But blaming Evan is easier.


"Dude, your sister, Hazel, she's pretty cool," Evan said to Nico.

The two of them were completely ignoring Professor Binns. Evan always did, so this was no change for him. Nico knew he probably shouldn't, but listening to the professor's droning voice gave him a greater urge to sleep then he got in Hypnos' cabin.

"Yeah," Nico said while absentmindedly doodling on his parchment.

"So, do you have the same mother?" Evan asked. He wasn't bothering to be quiet, and two girls turned around glaring. When they realized who it was, they both blushed and turned around quickly.

"No. Same father."

"You guys look like nothing like each other. And, you're like, the same age." Evan pointed out.

Nico shrugged, but bit his lip nervously. How could he go around this?

"Well, um... Hazel's adopted." The lie sprung from his lips easily.

Evan didn't seem to think anything of it, thank goodness.

He looked at what Nico was doodling. "Hey, what's Hades?"

Nico looked at his page. Sure enough, written on the page was the word 'Hades', along with a couple of skulls.

"Oh—oh it's just my—my dog from back home." Nico then 'accidentally' spilled his ink all over the word.


Nico started mopping up the ink, and prayed to all the gods that Evan would think nothing of it.

Luckily, Evan just shrugged and changed the topic. Gosh, that was close.

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