When Everything Crumbles

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"Guys, I think something is going on with Nico," Hazel said, fiddling with her hair.

The Great Gall was alive with chatter, due to it being lunch time on a Saturday. Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Percy and Annabeth had decided to sit together, which was a first in quite a long time. There was no talking at first because they were busy with food, but the conversation had gotten slightly strained as their plates emptied. Luckily Hazel had brought up the matter that she had got them all together for.

"What do you mean?" Jason said wiping sauce off his mouth with a napkin.

"Haven't you heard the rumours?" Piper asked, placing a hand on Jason's shoulder. Hazel saw Piper eye her, Piper's face with a touch of mistrust probably from their previous conversation.

"What rumours?" Percy asked before eating a forkful of vegetables.

"The ones about Nico hanging out with the Death Eaters," Annabeth said shooting a furtive glance at the Slytherin table across the Great Hall.

"And the ones where he tortures younger students." Frank waved his hands. "Bullying."

"Those aren't true, right?" Jason said. "They're just as you said. Rumours."

Hazel shook her head. "I heard Nico talk about how he and Evan tortured two first years."

"And I saw Nico and Evan shoot curses at a shy third year. She's been in the Hospital Wing for a week." Piper said shaking her head in a show of disbelief.

Frank was horrified. "I didn't realize they were true! Someone has to talk to him."

"There's no way he's getting away with this." Percy said slamming his utensils down. "Hey! Nico!"

"Wait—" Hazel tried to grab his arm but he was already strolling over to Nico.

Hazel wanted it to be a calm intervention. Not an accusation argument.

Nico stopped talking to Evan Rosier and turned to stare at Percy as he approached. "Hey Percy." Nico said warily, noting Percy's expression.

Percy turned to Evan. "Beat it."

The sharp tone in Percy's voice and his imposing demeanour made Evan leave without a word.

"Dude, can you be a bit nicer to my friends?" Nico asked.

Percy's eyebrows shot up. "Your friends? So you admit to it."

"To what?"

"Bullying other students!" Percy said as if it was obvious.

Nico looked taken aback for second then uncomfortably pulled at his collar. "It's not what you think."

"Really? Cause I think you're hurting others. What happened to being on the good side?" Percy demanded.

How harsh Percy was being shocked Nico. He saw him as the boy who loved blue food, and was always there to help out at Camp Half-Blood while being a dork. He was reminded strongly right now of the warrior who had torn down everything in his path during the Battle of Manhattan and the one who fought daily for his life.

But Percy didn't mean to be harsh. He had woken on the wrong side of the bed today, and wasn't liking the doings of his friend. It came out worse than he meant it. But Percy's biting tone made Nico get defensive.

"You think I'd do that sort of thing? Hurt those weaker than me?" Nico said incredulously. Where did his accusations come from?

"What else are we supposed to believe? I saw you talk about it myself."

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