A Sneak Peek at Love

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"You know, I think that's the first Quidditch Match I've seen that no one's gotten badly injured," Remus commented, taking off his woollen hat. "I can't say I'm disappointed."

"I can't wait until you go up against them," Sirius said, bumping shoulders with James. "You'll beat them in minutes, I'm sure."

James laughed. "If only."

Percy pulled his arms out of his coat's sleeves, enjoying the warmth of the Gryffindor common room. The Slytherins in their common room under the lake were probably freezing to death.

After casting a randomizing spell, James was picked to put away everyones winter attire. After he left, the four boys settled down on the couch beside the fire. Peter had cast a spell to make the fire grow—which singed his eyebrows after Sirius encouraged him to make it bigger. Peter had glared at Sirius, without his eyebrows—an expression Percy found hilarious. Remus rolled his eyes before casting the spell to restore Peter's eyebrows.

James returned, changed from his school uniform to a hoodie and sweatpants. Percy thought about doing that too, but he was too lazy to get up.

James sat down and rubbed his hands together, trying to generate heat. All of the boys were lazily spread out on the couch, soaking up the warmth.

The Fat Lady's portrait opened, a group of girls entering. Percy recognized them as Lily Evans, Alice Fortescue, Marlene McKinnon, Piper, and a girl who's name he couldn't remember.

Lily was giggling at something Alice had said, but stopped when she saw James. James immediately straightened up. Trying to look casual, he dragged a hand through his hair, a thing he seemed to mainly do when Lily was around.

Percy noticed that Lily's eyes were looking anywhere but at James. Her head tilted down, red hand spilling off of her shoulders. Alice nudged Lily, saying something that made Lily blush. Lily dragged Alice away, past the boys and up to their dormitory.

James groaned, leaning back. "She hates me," he said only loud enough for the boys to hear.

Sirius grinned and stood up. "Watch and learn, Prongs."

Percy didn't know what their nicknames meant. They told him that they had created them when they were younger, and they had stuck. It made sense to Percy. After all, Annabeth called him Seaweed Brain.

Used to, he mentally corrected.

Sirius made his way over to Piper and Marlene. Piper and Sirius were unofficially dating at the moment, something Sirius hoped to change soon.

Percy couldn't hear what was being said, but he saw Piper's flirty smile. The funny thing was, before Hogwarts, Piper had never acted like one of those stereotypical Aphrodite girls. Being with Sirius definitely brought out her flirty side, for better or for worse.

Piper kissed his cheek, and the two girls left. Sirius returned, grinning triumphantly. James glared at him.

"When are you planning to ask Piper to be your girlfriend?" Peter asked, leaning back against the maroon couch. He was so short you wouldn't be able to tell he was there if you came up from behind.

Sirius twirled his wand between his fingers. "Soon. As soon as the time is right."

"That's if she doesn't get back together with Jason," James grumbled, still unhappy about Sirius' success compared to his own with Lily.

Sirius looked up and his wand clattered to the floor. "What?"

"She and Jason are sitting together in Charms. You don't know where that could lead."

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