The New Boy

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Jamie walked the halls of the DWMA alone. He had met with Lord Death and was told which class he was in, but the directions Death gave him were very vague to say the least.

"Now go down to the end of that hallway and turn left. It's down that way." Was all Death told him before ...walking..? Away.

Jamie sighed and looked around. He'd already gone down the hall and turned to the left, but there were tons of doors here! The only ones he could see that were labeled were the bathrooms, and he was at least thankful for those labels. The last thing he needed on his first day was to wet himself because he couldn't find a bathroom, or to run into the ladies' room on accident.

After walking a bit longer he came up on a turn. You could either go left or right, and he couldn't see any labels on those rooms either. He was about to turn left again when a door opened along the right side of the hall.

A tall man with glasses and silver hair wearing a white lab coat came out, and looked at him with the most serious expression he had ever seen in his life. Jamie was a bit concerned at first, but all the man did was say "You're late," then went back inside, leaving the door open for him.

Realizing that that was his class, Jamie slowly walked inside and shut the door behind him. Everyone in the room was looking at him like he'd done something dumb or funny, and he was getting uncomfortable. Planting himself in a seat in the back row, Jamie hoped people wouldn't notice him as much. He wanted to avoid the awkward looks as much as possible for his first day, but turned out, that wouldn't happen.

"The boy who was late, your name is Jamie Adams right?" the silver-headed man asked.

"Yes, that's me," Jamie said, and he noticed the man motion for him to come to the front of the room. "Oh great..." he thought to himself as he slowly walked to the ground floor of the room. He could feel the others peering at him.

Stein sat in his computer chair, rolling it over to Jamie and flipped through some papers. "Weapon or Meister?"

"Both." Jamie said, looking around as some people gave him weird looks. "I'm a weapon, but I can either fully transform or I can just transform parts of my body and still fight on my own."

Stein looked at the young boy and wondered what the extent of his abilities was, and what type of weapon the boy was hiding. Soon, after rifling through yet another stack of papers, he looked at him, his glasses falling from the bridge almost to the tip of his nose as he said "Care to give your classmates a demonstration of your abilities?"

Jamie felt his heart race, not entirely sure what he should say. Finally calming a bit, he was able to say "We need to be outside for a demonstration."

"That won't be a problem. Class, follow me outside so we can begin the demonstration," Stein said, never getting up from that rickety old chair, wheeling all the way outside.

Jamie stood in the middle of the crowd outside. Everyone had formed a circle around him, and he could tell everyone was anxious to see his abilities. He could see a few students talking to the professor, probably trying to get answers as to what was about to happen.

Jamie sighed and steadied himself into a stance he had used many times before. He calmed himself down by slowing his breathing and closing his eyes. Soon, his arms transformed into what looked like Battle Axes. Everyone was amazed, gasping and peering at the weapons he was transforming into. Even Stein looked a bit impressed.

"Who would duel Jamie so we can see the full potential of his weaponry?" Stein asked, looking around at the crowd of his students.

Soon a girl with sandy-blonde hair approached Jamie, Her hair was tied into pigtails on both sides of her head, she had deep green eyes, and was wearing a long black tail coat over a yellow shirt and a red plaid skirt. Her black boots seemed to dig into the stones in the pavement as she approached. Beside her was a white-headed boy with sharp teeth, he reminded Jamie of a shark. He was dressed in a yellow and black jacket with red pants, tennis shoes and a headband that said Soul Eater. 

Confused, but not intimidated, Jamie held his ground.

Stein smiled. "Alright. A duel between Jamie Adams and Maka Albarn and Soul Evans." He chuckled. "The battle will start when I say so. Competitors ready yourselves."

"Soul?" Maka asked.

"On it," The white haired boy jumped into mid-air and turned into some sort of scythe that Jamie could only describe as something he'd seen in scary movies. He flinched a bit, but kept his ground even now. He saw the girl twirl the scythe in her hands, then take her stance. She was ready, and so was he.

"Alright. 3..." Stein said as the two looked at each other. Maka's dark green eyes pierced into Jamie's crystal blue ones, but he wasn't budging. "2..." The two both became anxious, wondering who would be lucky enough to make the first strike. "1...Oh wait! I forgot!"

"What!? I was in the zone! I was so ready to kick her ass and you forgot something!?" Jamie thought, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Since it's weapon/meister versus a weapon and a meister, no resonating will be allowed." Stien said, and Maka nodded. Jamie did too, not exactly understanding what resonating was. He had never had an official meister, so he was unsure. "Go!"

Out of nowhere, both Maka and Jamie seemed to completely get back into battle mode. Maka jumped at him, aiming the scythe at his chest, but Jamie blocked it, rolling along the ground to bet behind her. He swept her off her feet with his leg, and hit her with his axe. He had no intention to cut her, and simply used the blow of the hit to make her fly backwards. Jamie had decided to fight with wavelengths, rather than the sheer edges of his blades. It was safer, but still hurt like hell.

Maka landed hard, hitting her back against a stone wall and then falling down to her knees.

"Hey! Maka! You alright!?" Soul asked, his image becoming visible in the blade.

Maka got up slowly and steadied herself. The blow from Jamie's wavelength to her stomach and abdomen was making her ache, but she wasn't giving in. She coughed a bit but then said "I'm fine." In an instant she was charging again. Jamie noticed she wasn't going to be as kind as he was. She was using Soul's blade, not wavelength. This fight was more than a duel to show off, she was looking to draw blood.

Jamie jumped at her when she charged at him. He didn't expect it when Maka raised the scythe's blade to his leg, cutting it a bit. He cringed then hit her in the back with his wavelengths. He honestly didn't want to hurt her.

Jamie's blood could obviously be seen through his jeans, but Stein wasn't doing anything to stop the fight. He simply sat there in his chair and lit a cigarette, still having a stupid grin on his face.

Not knowing why his professor wasn't stopping the duel after he became wounded, he was determined to knock her unconscious. It was the only way he knew for certain he could make her stop attacking for blood.

Maka was down, her face flat to the concrete in a small crater made by the sheer force of her impact. She was twitching a bit, and slowly began to pull herself to her feet. Soul was screaming at her to get up, but Jamie's mind was focused more on getting her completely knocked out. He walked closer and closer to her to see if she was really going to be able to bounce back from a hit with that kind of force. When she got to her feet Jamie was a bit surprised but expected nothing less of a girl that was such an exceptional meister already.

They faced each other again, hitting head on. Soul's scythe blade and Jamie's left battle axe intertwined and soon they were battling for dominance. If Jamie slipped up even for a fraction of a second the blade would connect with his chest and sure as hell leave a nasty wound. He was beginning to realize the true strength of this girl and was getting just a bit intimidated. Maka had a look of bloodlust in her eyes and she pushed Soul's blade closer and closer to Jamie's chest. Jamie knew he had to act, and fast.

Using his free battle axe arm, he connected it too with Soul's blade and managed to get enough leverage to fling it out of Maka's hands. As it flew through the air, he hit Maka hard in the gut with his wavelengths and then again in the back as she went flying.

Maka hit with a loud crash, and dust from broken stones rose around her. Yet another crater was formed in front of the school but this one was much deeper than the last. Clearly she was out cold and her weapon soon transformed back into a human and came running to her side. Jamie was the victor.

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