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"How much farther?" Kid asked as he and the others walked through an area of dense jungle. "We've been walking for hours."

"We've still got quite a while to go," Nigas said as she looked at her readings. "We should camp for the night, we won't be able to make it there tonight."

Kid threw his backpack on the ground and started assembling his tent. He, Soul and Black*Star would stay in one tent, the girls in another, Sid Nigas and Mifune in one, and then Jamie in Stein in one all their own.

"Do you think we should really be resting right now?" Jamie asked as he laid in the tent beside of Stein, cuddling close.

"It's more dangerous to travel at night than it is to stay and rest," Stein said, wrapping his arms around the boy and kissing him gently.

"You're scared arent you...?" Jamie asked as he looked him in the eyes. "If it's something dangerous enough to terrify you, are you sure it's such a good idea to bring all of us out here?"

"I would never put you in danger if I had any choice. Yes, this is dangerous and it's crazy that Death wanted to send you out with us when you don't even know what resonating means but...We'll deal, we'll be fine. Let's just try and sleep and tomorrow morning we'll make our way closer to the source," Stein said as he slowly fell asleep. Jamie cuddled into his arms and fell asleep a few minutes later.


When Jamie woke up the next morning, he realized he was the first to be up. He sat down on a log next to the campfire Black*Star and Kid worked on last night. It was almost out, and he used some brush sitting around to make it flame back up. It seemed like the closer they got to their target, the colder the climate became.

Sitting there for what seemed like ages, Kid and Soul walked out of the tent and yawned. Black*Star was still sleeping like a baby. They sat down beside Jamie and started warming themselves by the fire too. Soon Soul spoke up.

"You were really impressive in the fight against me and Maka the other day. Never seen a newbie with so much power. No wonder Death wanted you to tag along on the trip," stretching and yawning, he said "Who's gonna be your wielder anyway?"

"Stein's gonna be my wielder..." Jamie said with a small blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" Kid asked, looking closely at Jamie's face. Jamie's blush got worse from the simple fact that he hated being the center of attention. Kid kept getting closer and closer to his face, looking right at his cheeks and Jamie kept leaving back farther and farther until he fell back off the log he was sitting on.

"Oof!" Jamie cried out as he hit the ground. A rock was positioned right in his back and when he rolled off of it he curled up.

"Stein!? Hey! Stein wake up!!" Soul yelled as he shook Stein's tent. In seconds the silver-haired man jumped out and ran to Jamie.

"What happened?" Stein asked as he slowly slipped Jamie's shirt up and saw the gash in his back made by the rock. He sighed and pulled a medical kit out of his bag and numbed him, then began stitching the gash.

"H-He fell off of the log," Kid said, feeling extremely guilty for what he had done.

"Kid, don't worry about it..." Jamie said as he slowly got up and let Stein bandage his back by wrapping bandages all the way around to his stomach and back. "You didn't mean it."

"Kid caused this?" Stein asked as he stared down at the boy with a look of psychotic rage. He hated the idea that someone had hurt the boy he loves, and he wanted revenge.

Jamie grabbed his hand gently and he spun around to look at the boy who had shot him out of his demented mood. Jamie looked a bit scared that Stein could get mad so easily, and the look on his face was so maniacal that it sent chills down his spine, and not in a good way.

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