Jamie's Recovery

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"Alright Sid and Stein pick him up and carry him. The rest of us will wrap our coats and things around him," Nigas said as Stein and Sid gently picked Jamie up, supporting his ice cold body. Everyone began to pile blankets and jackets over top of him slowly in the hopes that he'd be ok.

"Is he warming up any?" Maka asked as she walked behind them.

"Slightly," Stein said with a sigh. He was trying to keep his composure but in all reality he was scared as hell. "The sooner we get him back to the DWMA the sooner we can get him into a room with heating pads and the heat turned up."

They picked up the pace, almost frantic to get Jamie back home where he could recover safely. Racing back, Stein couldn't help but secretly take Jamie's ice cold hand into his own.

It seemed like hours before the group finally reached the DWMA. Seeing everyone in distress, other students went with them to the infirmary including Crona.

Stein laid Jamie down on a bed and quickly piled blanket after blanket on top of him along with heating pads. He made sure that he was completely covered up except for his head, and that had a small heating pad on his forehead.

Hours passed and the young boy wasn't coming to. Everyone had left the room but Stein who was determined to stay there no matter what. He sat there, and sat there, and sat there. Hour after hour passed and soon it was the next morning. Jamie's temperature had climbed slightly towards normal but he was still unconscious.

Sipping coffee and sitting by his bedside, Stein slowly took the young boy's hand again. He kissed his cheek and was upset by how cold his skin still was against his lips. Sighing he walked over to a dryer and got out more warm blankets and placed them on Jamie. He hoped that before long his love would come back to him.

A knock came at the door and Maka and Soul walked in. They came with flowers and cards and some boxes with Jamie's favorite chocolates in them.

"Any change?" Maka asked as she pulled up a seat by his bedside.

"His temperature has come up a bit but he's still really cold to the touch. It'll be a while before he comes out of it I'd say," Stein's voice was filled with worry and he couldn't hide the fact that he was much more concerned about Jamie than he had ever been about a student before. His body was shaky and his voice was beginning to stutter which were obvious signs of distress.

"Stein, you ok?" Soul asked as he stood up. "You look like you're about to freak out or something."

"I'm fine," He said but his voice was proving him wrong.

Maka sighed and hugged Stein. He jumped a bit when he felt unfamiliar arms around him but then smiled a bit. "Jamie's gonna be alright Professor Stein..."

"H-Hey, what's going on...?" A faint voice coming from the bed asked and everyone turned to Jamie. Stein rushed to his side but was wary about grabbing his hand in the presence of his other students. "Why am I in the infirmary...?"

"When we were in the ice fortress looking for the witch...we faced her. Do you remember facing the witch?" Stein asked, and Jamie shook his head yes. "I went to swing at her and she put up an ice barrier. When your blade connected with the ice it was like it froze your body. You've been ice cold for over a day and completely unresponsive..."

"That must be why I'm freezing," Jamie said with a shiver as he curled up under the covers. "I'm just glad I'm gonna be ok. I am gonna be ok right?"

"Of course," Stein said with a smile, then Jamie noticed the flowers.

"Awww, the flowers are so pretty! And are those chocolate?" His eyes lit up and then Maka handed him the candies.

"We brought them for you. We felt really bad that you and Stein were the ones who found the witch and you ended up getting hurt," Maka said, rubbing her side a bit. "Soul and I got away with just a few injuries. We ended up having to fight something really weird."

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