Inside the Ice Fortress

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Sid and Nigas were the first to walk inside the icey cave with Mifune not far behind. The others fell behind them with Stein and Jamie still pulling up the end. Since Stein and Jamie were weapon and meister partners now, they were able to communicate through thoughts if they wished.

"Ready for a crash course in resonating?" Stein asked Jamie, and as his image appeared on the blade of the axe he nodded yes. "Alright join your soul wavelengths with mine, that's all resonating is."

"Alright," Jamie said, and slowly joined their soul wavelengths together. When their resonance was complete, Jamie had never felt closer to his love. He smiled as his image appeared on the blade again, and Stein shot a crooked smile in his direction.

The inside of the cave was dark, the only light was coming from a few candles who's lights were reflecting off of the ice. It was ominous and it was so quiet, almost too quiet.

"This is really creeping me out. Something isn't right," Maka said as she walked through the cave holding the staff of Soul's scythe tighter and tighter.

"It's alright Maka, we'll all be fine," Sid said as he walked a bit farther.

Before long, the group came to a room that was turning insanely cold. Everyone covered up with coats again and looked around. Leading out of the room were seven pathways, the one they had came out of and six more leading to unknown places.

 "I'll mark it," Mifune said as he shoved one of his swords deep into the ice in front of the way they had come in. "That's got that..."

"Nigas and I will go to the first pathway. Mifune take the second. Kid and the twins you guys take the next, and Maka and Soul you guys take the one after that. Blak*Star and Tsubaki can handle the next one and Stein and Jamie can take the one farthest to the right. If we all explore the tunnels as far as they go, then we'll find whoever's causing all this without a doubt," Sid said, then everyone parted ways down the different hallways.


"This is really creeping me out Sid. We've been walking in one direction for what's seemed like forever with no evidence of a turn or anything. Maybe we're headed to a dead end?" Nigas said, getting a bit worried.

"Or maybe we're headed right where we need to be going," Sid said as he kept walking.

Eventually they ended up walking into a room that was filled with odd-looking machinery. Nothing looked like it had been functional for years, and that seemed a bit strange. Maybe this was some kind of storage room. Sid started investigating the different machinery and something turned on in the room. It was a radio, and when it turned on an odd-sounding voice came through the speakers.

"I'm not sure who dares to enter my lair, but I commend you for making it this far. My name is none of your concern, and if you succeed in finding me I'm sure we'll be formally introduced. If you've been able to make it this far I'm sure you'll be able to get yourself out. Have a good day!"

A maniacal laugh filled the room as the radio switched off and an iron door with bars came down, closing off the way they went in.

Sid raced to it, trying his best to get it to open back up but wasn't able to even make it budge. Even with his supernatural strength, that door was not about to budge. He sat down slowly, and Nigas turned back into human form.

"I told you this place gave me the creeps. I had a feeling it was just a trap," She said, sitting down in the corner of the room. "And if you can't lift that no one can. You're a zombie for crying out loud."

Sid sat with her not saying a word. He felt stupid for not turning around and going back, and didn't want to admit to his stupidity.


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