13- Damon's mistake.

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(Damon's POV)

Lunch was pleasant. After Graham realized that no one was staring and we got a table in the far back corner, he began to open up and we had full conversations about his art, my music, and maybe one day getting him into a studio to record some songs. I wish he'd believe me when I say he's talented. I've never heard someone play a guitar as well as him.

"You can't be serious! Yes, I like The Smiths, but The Cure will always be ten times better." He scoffs as he lightly drags his knackered converse along the pavement. We've been arguing for almost the whole walk home and truth be told, I like The Cure better. I just want to give him a reason to talk to me.

"Hmm. That's your opinion." I hum jokingly and he playfully rolls his eyes at me before going back to silently counting the steps until we're back at his apartment. I don't mind having to be the one to start conversations with him, I just wish they lasted a lot longer than they typically do. I love talking to him.

The air is cold and I can visibly see my breath. My jacket is so thin and I'm reminded that I have no money and I'm basically just spending Graham's. I really need to get a job. I just don't want to be faced with the situation that comes with having enough money to pay for a plane ticket. He probably wants me to leave at some point but I sort of don't want to.

I grab his hand in the elevator of his apartment building and I swear I've never seen someone blush a deeper shade of red in my life. My heart swells and I mentally awe at the sight of it. I've really gotten lucky with him, haven't I? I can barely keep the smile off my face.

The apartment feels more like home than my parent's house ever did. Everywhere I look I can picture Graham and I messing around with the guitars, Graham and I watching TV and sharing coffee, Graham and I kissing... Needless to say, I love living here. Graham goes straight to the kitchen and starts to make us tea as I set up a movie. Sometimes I can just tell what he's thinking about. I think he's just wanted to watch a movie all day.

He comes back with our drinks as I press play. I chose The Breakfast Club. We sit on my bed and he cuddles his way into my side and focuses on the TV. I take in his appearance as discreetly as I can. His hair is messy in the nicest ways and his glasses have slipped down his nose slightly. I smile to myself as he leans his head on my shoulder. He seems sleepy. I'm not going to tell him he can't take a nap. It's probably been a tiring day for him so far.

Not long after he falls asleep, the phone begins to ring and I rush to grab it before he wakes up. I'm successful.

"Hello?" The other end of the line is dead silent for almost a full minute and for a split moment, I'm about to hang up. I know that the only people Graham talks to live here in this building and I'm intrigued, so I wait it out and thank God I do because a woman begins to speak.

"Um, hello. I was wondering if Graham was there?" Hmm. Thoughts of who this could be swirl around my head until I almost forget that I have to speak to her. Is it his long lost family member? A high school sweetheart hoping to rekindle what they had? I hope it's not that one. Deep down I know that Graham wouldn't leave me but I've always been a paranoid person.

"He's busy right now but I can take a message." My tone is cheery and bright as it always is when I speak to new people. Being concerned about making a good first impression is just second nature to me at this point.

"Well when you can, tell him that is would be greatly appreciated if he came home for Christmas. His mother misses him." She has a hint of sadness laced in her voice and I begin to piece together the details of hers and Graham's relationship. I don't have much to go off of but I can tell it's strained.

"Sure thing! I'll tell him as soon as possible!" I smile into the reciever. It might be good for Graham to reconnect with his family. Something tells me he doesn't see them very often. I can tell that his mother at least wants to see him.

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