8 ~ Me & Mr. Stump // Part One

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A/N: Hey everyone! It has been a while since I've updated. My life has changed in many different ways. I still love Fall Out Boy though, don't worry! I'm super excited to hopefully get involved in this book again. I miss writing so much! Anyway, enjoy part one of this new series!

Being a senior in high school was kind of a drag. You were so ready to graduate and barely even tried at this point.

It was right after Christmas break, the start of a new semester. This meant new classes. You were very excited for a music theory class you took as an elective. Although this was the teacher's first year, he's fresh out of college.

Mr. Stump's class was the last of the day. You had already been through Physics & Trigonometry. You were ready to bang your head on a table.

You grabbed a new notebook and folder from your locker and made your way down the hall. The room that was Mr. Stump's was once an empty classroom that was used to send kids during testing.

The once dusty, smelly room was now clean and covered in posters. A nice scent entered your nose as you walked in.


The desk was very messy compared to the rest of the room. Papers were scattered along with pens. You looked for any pictures of a family or girlfriend, curious to know more about Mr. Stump.

You sat at a desk in the front of the room, noticing you were the only person in this class. After the bell rang, no one came into the class. Not even Mr. Stump had arrived.

Maybe you could use this class as a study ha-

"Holy smokes!" You heard a male's voice. "Sorry! I didn't mean to keep you waiting. I was trying to make myself tea and then-"

He paused mid sentence, pointing to his white shirt covered in a light brown tint. You looked up at the man and began to blush.

"-I spilt it all over myself." He sadly said, moving over toward his desk.

You let out a soft laugh as you watched your teacher try to clean his shirt.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself." Mr. Stump mumbled, ignoring his shirt to look at you.

A smile spread across his face. "My name is Mr. Stump. I'm 23. This is my first year teaching." He started to laugh at himself.

"I'm not too interesting. So, tell me about yourself, Miss-" Mr. Stump glanced at his class list. "Y/N."

"Oh, um. Hi I'm Y/N. I'm 18. I really wanted to take your class because I'm thinking about majoring in music. That's about it." You quietly introduced yourself.

Mr. Stump placed a pair of glasses on his face, glancing back up to you.

A red tint appeared on his cheeks, and your weren't too far behind.

"It's a bit warm in here. Dontcha think Y/N?" He went over the window and opened it.

"Anyway, let's start off by giving you this packet. We'll get started tomorrow." He laid a packet on your desk and sat in the desk next to you.

"So, I just want to say. Don't ever worry too much about my class. I expect homework to be done, but I understand when things get a bit too much. Considering you're my only student, we should get through lessons pretty quickly." Mr. Stump talked quickly. "K?" His bottom lip found its way inbetween his teeth and his blue eyes stared into yours.

You nodded.


*Time Skip*

Weeks had passed since you started music theory.

You had become great friends with Mr. Stump. He was a sweet and understanding guy.

Plus he was very cute so you weren't complaining.

Currently, you were dealing with a lot of self accepting shit. You knew you could trust Mr. Stump. You had sat with him through many lunches and your study hall.

You walked down to his classroom, gently knocking on the door.

His bright, adorable face appeared as he opened the door for you.

"Hey Y/N. What's going on?" He questioned.

"Life sucks." You mumbled, sitting in the chair by his desk.

He gave you a concerned look and proceeded to ask you why you thought so.

"I'm good at nothing. No one likes me. I get so angry. All my friends get asked out on dates and then there's me. Gross and outdated. I'm honestly so tired of the people here. They make me feel worse about myself." You admitted, feeling your heart beating quickly.

"Oh Y/N..." Mr. Stump quickly englufed you into a hug. "Teenage boys are the worst. They just don't see or care about how wonderful you are. You're a beautiful girl. Don't let anyone make you think different. Okay?"

You took deep breaths and hugged Mr. Stump back.

"Thank you Mr. Stump. You really don't know how much I appreciate you." You thanked him.

He just smiled at you.

"How are you?" You questioned.

Mr. Stump leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"I suppose I'm okay." He paused. "I mean, I guess I understand where you're coming from when you say no one likes you. I feel like that a lot. And it sucks tremendously, but I just remember all the good things in life. I forget it for a while."

You hummed. "You live alone don't you?"

He chuckled before answering. "I live with my best friend Pete."

"What's he like?"

"Well, he's very quiet sometimes. But he can also be the life of the party. He's got some problems, but like I said before, the good outweighs the bad. He's great dude!" Mr. Stump giggled.

"He seems nice. I'd like to meet him sometime."

His face began to flush red and he just smiled. "Maybe I'll see if he wants to come with me to school tomorrow. You'll be in for lunch again, right?"

You nodded and grinned.

"I bet he'll be excited. He always has wanted to come in." He said happily. He looked super excited for his best friend to meet you.

"I can't wait to meet him!"

To be continued...

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