9 ~ Me & Mr. Stump // Part Two

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Patrick's POV:

"Hey Pete." I sighed as I hung my coat and kicked off my shoes.

Pete waved. He was laying on the couch shirtless and watching TV.

"How was school today?" Pete asked, sitting up so I could take the spot next to him.

"Well um..." I began to blush. "Y/N was sad today. Anyway, she asked if I lived alone and I told her about you."


"She wants to meet you." I answered, looking over at Pete's grinning face.

"Fuck yeah!" He laughed. "I can't wait! So tomorrow right? What time do I have to wake up?"

"Yeah tomorrow. Probably around 6 or something."

Pete just sat there with his stupid shit eating grin.

"Anyway, Y/N comes in during my lunch and last period. Sometimes her study hall but I usually have choir class then, so I won't be in the room."

Pete nodded before speaking. "So, like, you just talk to this girl?"

"Yeah!" I smiled. "She's pretty cool."

*Time Skip*

Your POV:

You walked into school a little later than usual. You had about 15 minutes before the first bell rang.

You immediately ran to your locker so you could shove your bookbag into it, not worrying about how you'd get the contents out later.

You rushed down a few halls to Mr. Stump's room. His light was on so you opened the door.

You immediately noticed another man standing next to his desk. Mr. Stump turned around and brightened up once he saw you.

"Hey Y/N!" He smiled.


You ran up to Mr. Stump and engulfed him in a hug before turning to Pete.

"Hi." You smiled softly, Pete doing the same back to you.

"Hi Y/N."

"I'm gonna go make coffee. Anybody want some?" Mr. Stump asked, grabbing his coffee cup.

"Yeah I do." You answered and Pete nodded.

Mr. Stump exited the room, leaving you and Pete to talk. You sat on top of a desk and Pete took Mr. Stump's chair.

"So, how's life?" You asked him.

"Could be better, could be worse." He nodded. "What about you?"

"I was pretty upset with the world yesterday, but today seems better. Ya know?"

Pete nodded. "You got any friends around here?"

"Not really. I mean, besides Mr. Stump." You answered honestly, glancing at the clock to see how much time you had left.

"Patrick enjoys your company too. He was super excited that we were going to meet today." Pete smiled at you slightly.

"Yeah. He's pretty amazing. I honestly don't think I've had someone I can relate to like that in a long time."

"Me and Patrick never used to get along, but the more we were around each other, the more we just clicked. He's a really understanding guy."

You smiled down at the ground before you heard the door open and Mr. Stump enter with 3 full coffee cups.

You rushed over and took one out of his hands, noticing the immense amount of creamer.

"That one's Pete's." He said, setting the other two down.

You walked over to Pete and handed him his mug before taking yours.

"Thanks for the coffee."

Mr. Stump shook his head yes before sitting down at his desk.

The room slid into silence before you remembered something.

"Hey! Fifth period is you planning period right?" You questioned, grabbing your coffee and sipping on it.

"Yeah! Why?"

"Well, I have Physics on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. There is another study hall I have during that time. Mind writing me a pass for then?"

"Sure, sure."

The room went silent before the bell rang and you stood up.

"See ya soon." You waved. "Nice to meet you Pete."

You met Mr. Stump and Pete during lunch which was really interesting.

Mr. Stump had ordered a pizza for the three of you.

Pete had continued to ask you odd questions. You'd answer him.

"Do you wanna come over for dinner tonight?" Pete asked. "I'm making mac & cheese, my specialty."

You thought for a moment. "But can't Mr. Stump get in trouble for having students over?" You questioned, turning to Pete.

"Technically it's different if I'm the one who's asking you. So Patrick isn't inviting you over, I am." Pete answered.

You sat for a few more seconds. "Sure. I live for mac & cheese." You smiled.

Mr. Stump was quiet through this whole thing. You looked up at him and smiled before returning to your conversation with Pete.

Patrick's POV:

I listened to my two friends talk and execute dinner plans.

I was quiet through the whole thing.

I liked Y/N. And it isn't like that creepy teacher likes student thing. I'd never try to make a move on her.

The more I started to get to know her, the more I started to like her. She was a very nice girl.

I wanted to just be honest with her and tell her. Tell her that I liked her but would never try to do anything with her.

I was snapped out my trance when I heard Y/N say my name.

"Mr. Stump, would it be bad if I stayed the night at your apartment, but slept in Pete's room?"

I shook my head no.

"Cool!" She smiled and then continued her conversation with Pete.

I really was feeling nervous about tonight.

To be continued...

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