Stony: Life is not fair

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This man.. this man laying on the ground still remain there.. lifelessly. His metal mask was off, most of his suit were broken to only give the visual of his injuries inside of it. His metal suit was one of the only protection he had, like a second hard skin to keep him safe from most of the treats he normally encounter in his daily basis of being Iron man. His pulse was getting slower and slower in each breath he took. The pain was getting worst the seconds fly by. The only thing he could hear was his breath, his heart beating slowly and the faint noise of the background of explosions everywhere.

Steve was shouting his name through the com several times, but no response, not even a single groan.. nothing. His heart was sinking deep, the pain was gaining all over him. His heart was beating so fast as he started to run to the man location. "Hold them back! I'll go check Tony!" Check Tony? He already knew it that he would not be able to face the reality again, he was trying to hope that the genius billionaire playboy philanphropist was going to be ok no matter what. As he was running he noticed something red on the ground, it was Tony in a bad shape laying down.


His headaches were all over him, but he could still hear someone calling for him faintly. He tried to breath in an out as the pain around his body was unbearable until he doesn't feel his legs anymore and slowly from his legs to his upper body he felt numb, he felt tired. Tired of living, of breathing, his eyes was becoming so heavy like he didn't sleep for day when he locked himself in his lab to upgrade his suit or do his crazy experiences.

Before he gave in on letting his eyes to close, someone was rushing to his side, quickly kneeling beside him and trying to calm him out. It was Steve, shouting his name to try to make him look at him. His eyes slowly moved to the soldier, his eyes felt so empty, felt so done, felt that he was right to go any time soon.

".. Steve.."

The soldier could not pretend everything will be right back again as nothing happened. His tears got the best of him, his tears running wildly on his cheeks until falling on Tony. He grabbed Tony's hand in his hands and held it against his chest as he leaned more forward to Tony's face. Steve was in pain in great pain that it could actually kill me him too at this instant.

"Tony.. I-I love you so much! stay with me please!"

His whisper was so shaky with a uneven breathing. Steve was pleading the man to stay alive until the ambulance arrived. He trying to talk to him to make him to stay awaken, he leaned in more until his forehead touched his in which made Tony's eyes soften as his only focus was Steve's face.

".. Steven..I .. I .."

The soldier quickly shook his head to make Tony make stay silent and to try to save his energy on staying alive. He kissed his forehead gently and then his cheek before landing his lips on the cut lips of Tony's. As soon as his lips touched Tony's he could not hold back anymore tears as the crying was getting out as he knew it was already too late. He felt it in his kiss, he felt it in that way the body did not response to his lips, his last kiss.

"..Love you, Steven."

That was the last thing that came out of Tony's mouth, the last breath before his eyes gave in, in this heavy sleep trance and not waking up anymore. Everything was so dark to him, he just lost eveything he cherished his whole life since he been unfrozen. The tears flowing more on the dead body of Tony, as he did not want to face reality. He did not want to believe it, not any of it.

The ambulance arrived but it was too late, too late.. He was blaming them for arriving late, he was blaming everyone for letting him doing this alone, he was also blaming himself for letting him convinced him thst he was capable of do it alone. He was blaming mostly himself that moment and felt mad at himself for believing his patner that he was capable of doing it alone. The guilt was creeping in faster that he could react. He knew he would always have nightmares about it, he knew too much. He was dying mentally.

The funeral was the hardest part and was never end with a smile on someone face. That day everyone who knew Tony was present, meaning everyone, it was broadcast around all the world. A priest was speaking of how Anthony was giving hope to everyone and the team were all present. Specially Steve and Peter side by side in their black suit looking down to the coffin, decorated of medals to be put down into the deep muddy hole. The sky suddenly became grey when the men started to bury the coffin with their shovels. Steve and Peter could not move their heads from this moment, it was so damn difficult to imagine their life without him anymore. Peter started to break into tears while Steve tried his hardest to contain it and put his arm atound his son pulling him into a tigh hug. Peter turned around to rub his face against his Pops body, and Steve did not care that his suit was going to be wet from the tears as he also started to cry. Both of them stay until the ceremony finished, everyone patted their shoulders and hugged them tightly knowing how great their pain was that day. One after one left them, they both of them will stay there silently only staring at the tombstone written.

Anthony Edward Stark
aka Iron man
The protector of the earth.
"Family matter the most for me."
'May 29, 1970 - February 3, 2019'

Ok it was saddest thing I have ever written in here and I was crying like a baby! sorry if you feel so sad and shitty like me but it made me realize you gotta love and life the fullest before something may happen to our loved ones.

Hope you enjoy it so far!

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