Ironstrange: Jealous

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Stephen normally don't show much about his real feelings openly, however for the genius billionaire philantropist he can't really control himself. Everything concerning about Tony was like reading him like an open book and Peter their son and the rest of the avenger realized that.

It has already been thirty minutes that Tony was on the phone with someone and it was starting to make Stephen uneasy about it. He never saw Tony this into a conversation this long with someone else on the phone beside himself and he was trying secretly to hear the conversation. Tony was holding his phone with his left hand and sometimes switch hand while walking around the kitchen island and sometimes went outside the balcony.

Stephen was sitting on the single place sofa while trying to read to focus his mind else where but fail as he heard his husband talking happily, laughing a bit and his expression was genuinely so happy to talk to the person on the other side of the line. Without realizing he was staring at his husband the whole time.

"hahaha! I remember that! It was good old times... uhu! yep- wait?! what? really? seriously?! I can't believe it you did that! hahaha! Jesus Christ! What am I going to do with you gosh!" Tony was laughing, his eyes wrinckled and some tears of happiness was coming out.

Natasha, Clint, Steve and Peter could feel the heavy stare that Stephan was giving to Tony while rubbing his temple while trying to figure out who the heck in the world is he talking to.

"Pa, are you ok ?" asked Peter while moving next to him and sat on the armrest next to Stephen. He only nodded and sighed to Peter.

"Don't worry Pa, Dad love you too much!" Peter tried to cheer him up and to ease the tension in the living room.

"Thanks Pete." Stephen smiles to him and hugged him tightly.

"Lunch tomorrow? ok why the hell not! haha. You want me to pick you up? Sure ? ok no prob I understand. ok Bye!" Tony finally hangged up after which seem an eternity he was talking on the phone like a teenage girl who needed to gossip about their life. All eyes were on him and he raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"With whom were you talking to? " asked Stephen.

"An old friend of mine from the university. I missed talking to him since he moved to europe. He told me he recently came back so we sre going to catch on a bit together tomorrow." Tony smiled while texting his friend.

"What is his name? " asked his husband again.

"Elliot Warton."

"His age?"

"hmmm around same as me or younger I don't remember."

"What is his job?"

"He was working in a lab for the military I think and now I don't know I should ask him tomorrow maybe he can join the Stark industry!" He quickly texted again his friend.

Everyone beside Tony could feel how jealous Stephen was feeling, he never doubt that Tony will ever cheat on him but he was not really happy to know that someone in Tony's life was making him happy like that beside him.

"how does he look like ?"

"hmmm I don't how he looks like now but I have one when he was drunk wait I'll show you!" Tony was looking in his photo gallery an old photo of him.

"hmmm I don't how he looks like now but I have one when he was drunk wait I'll show you!" Tony was looking in his photo gallery an old photo of him

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