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Alex POV
Eliza explained everything that happened with Angelica and my heart broke for her. She deserves better than what she is getting. Eliza doesn't need this she needs comfort. When she finishes talking she stands up and begins to walk down the hall.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"I need to shower I just need a minute alone,"
"Ok I'll finish dinner babe,"
"Ok thanks I would love that," she responds.
I know she is sad and I know she feels betrayed and I want to help her but if alone is what she wants she will get it... for now.

Eliza POV
I shut the door and start the shower. I feel so empty. Angelica used to tell me everything but my marriage has divided us. She is no longer the top priority. She shares that spot with Alex and Peggy. I wouldn't change that but soon that spot will only be for Alex and Peggy. I stand in the shower and think only about my sister. She lied, she betrayed me, she left me. She deserted me because I met someone I love. She has made my day horrible and nearly ruined my wedding! Where is my sister? Who has she become? I am so disappointed on where we've come. I close my eyes and think back to our childhood.
"Betsy wake up it's important!" Angelica squeals as I open my eyes.
"What is it?" I whisper back.
"Santa is here Peggy is up and saw Santa"
"Oh my goodness!" I squeal.
We crawled down the stairs and saw boot marks on the floors and it was so cool. Santa was there until we heard someone clear their throat from above us. It was our uncle.
"Ladies shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asks.
"We should but we aren't," Angelica replied.
"Uh huh I see. Now you should go to sleep so Santa can place the presents or else your mom will kill you," he whispered.
We ran up stairs and went back to sleep but we all crawled into my bed and all cuddled until later in the morning.
I didn't want to enter the present again so I close my eyes and once again go back to the past.

"Besty and Peggy I have some of the most amazing news!" Angelica says as she sits down. It was one of my only free days since med school was kicking my ass.
"What is it?" I ask.
"John and I are getting married!!!" She yells.
"Oh my goodness!!!! That's awesome!" Peggy and I yell at the same time.
"Wait but mom and dad hate him how are you going ro convince them otherwise?" Peggy asks.
"John and I are eloping tomorrow so they can't try to sabotage my wedding,"
"Mom and dad will not sabotage your wedding," Peggy tells Angelica rolling her eyes.
"Mom and dad don't like him," she replies.
"They will warm up to him and if  you do this they will never do that," I say to her as Peggy nods her head.

We all have so much fun drinking and gossiping Angelica is one of my best friends. We have so many memories and so much in common, but at the same time we are polar opposites. I open my eyes and am officially back in reality and I feel so stupid. How did this happen? How did I let this get so far? I have to fix this. It's my fault. It's all my fault. Tears run down my checks and then I slip in the shower as I step forward to grab my soap and then everything goes black. The next thing I know I'm in the hospital getting some scary news.

Sorry this is so short but the next chapter is hopefully gonna be so good! And longer!!

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