4: The Day Of

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Forsythe Pendleton Jones II's younger sister Penny, was always known to be a bit of a disaster. She barely made it through medical school--on her father's dime of course--and has been working (barely) as an OB-GYN.

Today was just like any other day--except it wasn't. Penny was about to make the biggest mistake of her life.

The night before an unknowing Alice would be on her exam table, she found her girlfriend of 5 years in bed with another woman. This lead her to drink more than she should have and things, well, spiraled.

She stumbled into the office, still a weeping mess over the incident. Nurses yelling at her about being behind on appointments for the day--which she frankly couldn't care less about. She goes into her office, changes, and tries to make herself look somewhat professional.

"Dr. Jones, you have an insemination in room 7 and a pap in room 8."

"Uh-huh, yep," Penny answers heading into room 8. "Ready for your insemination!?" she asks, while flinging the door open. 

Alice snapped awake, now realizing she fell asleep waiting for her. "Oh my, God--yeah, sorry--I can't believe I fell asleep, that's so embarrassing."

Penny--er, Dr. Jones nods and gets everything set up, "It's fine--I was running late this morning...because...because..." she starts tearing up again.

"Uh, are you okay? And I usually see Dr. Alver--are you taking over for her?" Alice questions, a bit concerned over this so-called doctor.

"Yeah--I'm so sorry, I've just had a really rough day--I'm fine, really, I am. And yes, Dr. Alver had a family emergency so I took her clients instead of having everyone rebook."

Alice nods, an uneasy feeling still sitting in her gut, but decides to disregard it. "Whoa--what are you doing?!"

Penny smiles, "Just relax--it's normal to be nervous, it'll be over in a second."

Alice cringes, "Uh--okay--it's just that--"

"Done!" Dr. Jones chirps.

"Wait--you're done? How are you--"

"I'm very quick. Best of luck to you!" she saunters out of the room with a smile. 

Alice stares at the door, incredibly confused, but once again, decides to disregard the feeling and move on. She hated these appointments more than anything so she wasn't going to question it and run the risk of having to be prodded again.

Dr. Jones moves over to Room 7 and is stunned to see her sister-in-law Gladys Jones on the examination table. 


Gladys smiles, "Are you surprised to see me here?"

Penny shakes her head, "I mean--no. This is something that happens a lot, it's pretty routine you know..."

Gladys laughs, thinking she's making a joke. "I can't believe I'm finally doing it--using Forsythe's last sample. If this works...you're going to be an aunt again!"

It was in that moment that Penny knew she messed up. She messed up big time. The look of horror that had now swept over face was undeniable. She had inseminated the wrong woman. Not only that but she inseminated the wrong woman with her brother's sperm.

"I'll be right back--" Dr. Jones squeaks out, bolting out of the room and throwing up in the garbage can in the hallway. 

"What have I done..." she moans.

T h a t   E v e n i n g

Alice slips into her waitress uniform in the locker room of the hotel. It's actually pretty cute--not that she was really all that worried about looking cute. As she slips on her shoes, she feels a sharp cramp. Her hand comes to a stop low on her stomach and she rubs it lightly. That was strange. She usually never felt like this after a routine appointment. 

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