13: Right Choice, Wrong Choice?

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Tears sting in FP's eyes as he gets in the elevator. How could Alice think he would do that to her? He knew Gladys set him up. It had to be her. 

He makes his way into the penthouse, "Gladys!" 

She's working on her laptop while sitting on the patio, a cigarette lit in her hand, "Can I help you?"

"I can't believe you set me up--"

"Forsythe, why do you assume I'm always out to get you?" she sighs and takes a drag of her cigarette.

He runs his hands through his hair in frustration, "Don't lie to me! Every time there is something good in my life you come along and burn it down--and I'm sick of it!"

"What do you want me to tell you? The truth? Okay, fine. I did submit the story under your name because I knew little miss Nancy Drew would call and ask who did it. You have to get over her, Forsythe. We are still married and you need me just as much as I need you--"

"No, Gladys--no. That's where you're wrong."

She moves closer to him, leaning against the railing, "Are you sure about that? Need I remind you why we got together in the first place..."

"That's in the past. Things have changed," he says, standing next to her.

"Just don't do anything you'll regret." 

Gladys smirks and pats his cheek, meandering off the patio, disappearing into the house. FP curses out loud and sits down in a chair. He takes his phone out of his pocket and texts Alice, hoping he can explain this whole situation to her. 

Alice--please. Just hear me out. You got this whole thing wrong. 

He puts his phone in his pocket, just as someone calls him. FP answers it, not recognizing the number. 



Just as Alice arrives home, she sees a shirtless Fred, mowing his lawn and Hermione lounging on the porch, sneaking glances over at the Andrews' property. 

"Oh! Hey, Alice--reporters have been calling non-stop since you left this morning." 

Alice collapses next to her, tears streaming down her face. Hermione moves off the chaise and sits next to her, wrapping her arms around her. "Ali? You good?"

She shakes her head, "No--I'm terrible. FP submitted the story to the news. He just wanted to make a buck off of me and I was stupid enough to believe he cared about me."

Hermione frowns, "Really? He was the one who did it? That seems hard to believe."

"Well, I called R-I-V-W and they told me it was him. Is that proof enough for you?" Alice says icily. 

Hermione realizes she's pretty angry and decides it's best not to try to talk sense into her. She just has a hard time believing that FP would do something like that to Alice. He really liked her--she could tell. 

Alice pulls out her phone, reading the message from FP and laughing, "Jeez--he wants me to 'hear him out.' No freaking way." She turns to show the text to Hermione.

"But, Alice--maybe you should? What if he got set up? You yourself said his wife is insane."

Deep down, Alice wanted to believe that. She wanted to believe that Gladys was the monster and not FP. But she knew about FP's history. He did things to get ahead, regardless of who he hurt in the process. But she's had trust issues since she was a kid--especially with men.

"Hal came over earlier today--"

Hermione stares at her shocked, "Wait--he came over? Why?!"

"He wants to come home."

"You aren't going to let him are you?!"

Alice shrugs, "I don't know."

Hermione scoots forward, beginning to get heated over this, "You don't know? He's an ass, Alice. You know that--why would you let him back home?!"

"To have some goddamn normalcy in my life, Hermione! Is that so wrong of me to want?!" she shouts at her.

"You aren't thinking clearly--you're upset about what happened with FP and you're using Hal as a bandaid--he must have ulterior motives to come back, Alice!"

She stands up, shaking her head in disbelief, "I'm not--I'm thinking about the kids, okay? I'm thinking about what would work in the grand scheme of things--"

"--but the problem is you aren't thinking! You already lived the life with Hal and he was awful--it was a terrible marriage and you needed to get out. Do not tell me that is what would work in the grand scheme of things," the brunette counters.

Alice blows past her going into the house, "I thought you were my friend and would support me no matter what but I guess I was wrong."

Hermione sighs frustratedly, "I am your friend! I am your best friend! Which means I have a right to call you out when you are making a huge mistake!"

She doesn't say anything in response and slams the front door closed. Hermione lets out an angry groan and turns around to notice Fred standing there.

"Hey--sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, but--is everything okay?"

Hermione smiles a bit, walking down a couple steps towards him, "Yeah--I mean...no. Alice is mad at me because I think she's stupid to let Hal come back home."

Fred pulls his sunglasses off, revealing wide eyes, "What?! She wants Hal back?!"

"Exactly--so you know I'm right. She's just pissed because she thinks FP is the one who submitted the story about her accidental insemination to the news. I know that can't be right though, he really likes her." 

"Yeah, that seems pretty low to do to someone who's birthing your kid," Fred says with a chuckle. "Well, should I talk to him? I got hired to do some remodeling at the hotel and I could casually bring it up."

Hermione nods, "Yeah--yeah, you should. Try to figure out what's going on, because all I know is Hal moving back in is not going to be healthy for her."

Fred smiles, "I'll do that," he pauses and seems like he is going to go back to mowing but he turns back around, "Uh--Hermione?"


"Do you want to get food sometime?"

"Get food?"

She notices he's turning red, "Yeah, uh...with--me?"

Hermione tucks her loose hair behind an ear, smirking, "So, like a date?"

Fred chuckles a little, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "Well, I mean...yeah."

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Fred."

His face lights up, but she can tell he's trying to be cool. "Okay, great! You free this weekend?"

"Saturday night sound good?"

He smiles, "Saturday night would be amazing."

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