8: Confrontations & a Closet Conversation

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"What's wrong with mom?" Polly asks Hermione before bed, "And who was that guy with her on the porch?"

Hermione sighs, not knowing what to say to the fifteen-year-old, "That's your mom's boss. He came over to see if she was alright. She passed out at work today."

Polly raises her eyebrows suspiciously, "Um, so he brought her flowers? Because of that?"

"He thinks very highly of her--that's all."

The younger girl crosses her arms, "He wants to date mom, doesn't he? That's not fair! Mom and dad are supposed to get back together!"

Not wanting to make the situation worse, Hermione sits down on the couch next to her, "Polly, that isn't true. He's just a nice guy, okay? And I don't know what to tell you about your parents getting back together--that's none of my business."

Polly brushes back her blonde tresses in frustration, "Whatever. You're her best friend, I'm sure you know everything."

"Well I don't--and I don't appreciate you using that kind of tone with me," she scolds her. 

Polly gets up from the couch in frustration, "My tone? You're supposed to be cool Aunt Hermione! You're not my mom and you can't tell me how to feel!" she starts to storm off and Hermione goes after her.

"Polly, come on! Don't run off! You're obviously frustrated, so let's talk about this--"

Her bedroom door slams shut, and Hermione groans. She turns on her heel and heads into the kitchen, emptying the remainder of a bottle of wine into her glass. It wasn't like Alice could drink it anyways. 


The next morning Hermione finds Alice in her waitress uniform, scarfing down breakfast and doing her makeup in a hurry, "Are you going to work?"

"No, I just put this on for the hell of it," Alice retorts, going back to applying her mascara.

"Well, I don't know, I just thought Mr. Jones wouldn't let you come back so soon--I mean, he brought you flowers for god sakes."

"Yeah, that's why he brought the flowers..." she says under her breath.

Hermione catches it, "What? Is something going on between you two?" she asks point blank, thinking about the fight she had with Polly the night before.

"He's the father, Hermione."

Her friend drops into a chair across from her at the table, her jaw practically on the floor, "What?"

Alice finishes, bringing her plate and glass into the kitchen and placing them both in the dish washer, "Yeah. That's why he stopped by--he found out that I was the woman that got mixed up with his wife."

"Holy shit, Alice--he's the father ?"

She grabs her purse of the counter, "Yes. He is the father. I don't know what I'm going to do either...I wanted to just have the thing and give it to him and his wife, but he admitted to me last night that they're having problems and he wants to divorce her, so that plan is shot clean to hell!" the blonde rants.

"When are you going to tell the girls? I got into it with Polly last night because she doesn't want you to start dating. She thinks you and Hal are going to get back together," Hermione admits.

Alice stops in her tracks, "Wait? You and Polly got in an argument last night? Because of FP?! What did you tell her, Hermione!? Why does she think I'm dating?!"

Hermione runs her hand through her hair anxiously, "You don't need to get so defensive--I didn't. She asked who the man on the porch was and I told her he was just your boss and she blew it way out of proportion!" 

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