9: Alice Tells the Girls

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A: Yeah, of course.

She sends her reply, stomach twisting from nerves. Alice knew deep down it was about the near kiss in the closet earlier that day. She anxiously drums her fingers against the counter waiting for his response. 

F: We should probably talk in person. Want to grab a bite to eat?

Alice smiles at the message, she wants to go with him, but she thinks of her impending maternal duties.

A: I have to make dinner for the girls. I also told them I needed to talk to them tonight--I'm going to tell them about the baby. 

A few seconds later he answers her.

F: Don't worry about it, take care of your girls. 

She leans against the counter with a sigh, still clutching her phone in her hand. A moment later she makes a decision to change her mind.

A: If you want to go later, that might work. I'll probably need some air after I tell them. 

FP smiles to himself when he reads her latest response. He sits down on the couch, throwing his feet up on the coffee table. He'll wait for her. He'd always wait for her.

F: Sounds great, Alice. Just let me know what you decide. It's up to you. 


"How's the spaghetti tasting?" Alice asks her daughters, a bit too cheery, as she was trying to pump herself up to have the big talk. 

"Really good, mom," Betty says with a smile. 

"Yeah--why'd you make our favorite meal?" Polly asks suspiciously. 

Alice smiles at her oldest, trying to play it cool, "I was craving it, and I know it's yours and Betty's favorite so, why not?"

Polly stares at her mother skeptically, "Oh. What do you want to talk to us about?"

"Damn," Alice thinks to herself. She thought she'd have a little more time to work up what she wanted to say. Oh well, it was going to have to come out sooner or later.

"Yeah, uh, girls there's something really big I need to talk to you about," she starts.

"Is this about you and dad?" Polly asks quietly.

Alice bites her lip, "No--it's not. It'd be best for you two to just listen until I'm done talking, because I know you are going to have a lot of questions."

Both girls look at each other, nervous expressions plastered to both of their faces. They turn back to their mother and nod.

"Okay, I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. Alright, girls, remember when I had that appointment quite a few weeks ago? Well, there was a mistake made at the hospital. They flipped my room with the room of a woman who was supposed to get artificially inseminated. And--well, the procedure took and...I'm pregnant because of it."

The clatter of forks echoes through the dining room, the sudden noise lingering through Alice's ears as it is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 

Polly and Betty are both staring at her, mouths gaping, unable to say anything. Alice sighs, sitting back in her chair, anxiously waiting for them to say something.

"You're--I can't believe it... are you going to keep the baby?" Polly asks with great anticipation. 

"Well, I'm not sure yet."

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