5: Three Weeks Later

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"Alice, are you still sick?"

Hermione pounds on the downstairs bathroom door, as Alice is losing her breakfast.


She opens the door and sees her friend sitting on the tiled floor, slouched against the wall, completely miserable.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the doctor? You've been sick off and on this entire week!"

"I am fine, okay--it's just an upset stomach from breakfast, I'll be fine."

Hermione raises her eyebrows, "So what was it the last six days then?! This is not normal Alice! God, if I didn't know any better I'd think you're pregnant."

Both women look at each other and burst out laughing. "Oh, man, that is a good one...we both know it's been quite some time since I've gotten any," Alice chuckles, standing up slowly.

"Well, honestly, if you don't get any better soon, I'm dragging your ass to the hospital," Hermione replies, exiting the bathroom.

The truth was that Alice was scared there was something wrong with her. Those cramps had not subsided and she started feeling nauseous over a week ago. The vomiting started shortly after. She was tired all the time too--like barely able to stay upright at work. God, was she sick? The thought of having some life threatening disease scared the hell out of her. 


FP was at the front desk signing bills when his father arrived in town. FP and his father never had the greatest relationship. He tended to favor Penny, his only daughter and youngest child. FP felt as though he was a disappointment to his father although he was the one who was taking over the family business.

"Hello son." 

FP looks up, seeing his father standing above him. On his arm is a red-headed woman who he immediately recognizes as Penelope Blossom. 

Forsythe Senior notices his son's confusion and smiles. "You remember Penelope, right?"

FP nods, "Uh, yeah--we were in the same class in high school. Are you-?"

Penelope smiles, "Yes. We are." 

FP tries to wipe the horrified expression off his face, "Aren't you married though?" 

His father huffs, "Of course she's not Forsythe! What kind of man do you think I am?" he looks at Penelope and they share a laugh. 

"I divorced Clifford several months ago if you must know. You're father and I met at a business conference. He's wonderful. Everything I've ever wanted."

FP shakes his head and sighs. What the hell was his father doing with Penelope Blossom? He knew his father had been caught up with illegal dealings in the past, so he hoped that this wasn't another one.

"Oh, hello Forsythe Senior," Gladys greets as she joins the group standing at the desk. 

"Gladys--" he replies, immediately irritated by her presence. "We'll be in our suite if you need us." 

The couple exits and Gladys shoots FP a confused look. "Is that your father's new lady friend?" 

FP crosses his arms, "Yeah--a former classmate of mine." 

"Oh God," she replies, grossed out. 

FP shudders, "He did always like younger women..."

Gladys rolls her eyes and puts her arms on his shoulders, "We need to talk about something." 

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