Bitten 3 (A One Direction Vampire Fanfic)

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Zayn's POV

I felt my body stiffen up as Louis busted through Jasmine's door. Her lifeless body was laying on the floor! My Jas, my world was lying there infront of me and I completely froze for a few seconds.

"Jas! No!" I screamed, dropping to the floor next to her body. My adrenaline was sky rocketing as I pulled the stake out of her chest and held her in my arms, to rocking back and forth.

"S-she promised Me she wouldn't do anything!" Louis sobbed.

"What's going- oh my God!" Clare ran over to me, taking Jas. "No no no! Come back! Please!"

All of a sudden, Carlos ran in the room, pushing everyone back. He laid Jas down flat on the floor. "Help me," he stated, his voice shaky. I nodded before pulling my sweatshirt off of Jasmine. Carlos lifted up her tight fitting tank top to reveal the hole in her chest.

My heart felt so empty but heavy at the same time. My love committed suicide! How am I supposed to live with myself knowing that I wasn't here to stop her?

I can't live without her.

"Y-you guys," Harry sniffled, "She left a n-note."

"Let me see it." Connor reached out his hand and Harry gave him the note. More tears rolled down Connor's face before he even started reading it. After a few moments, the note fell to the floor and Connor fell to his knees, sobbing hardly.

"Zayn, do you still have your healing power?" Carlos asked.

"I- I don't know." I wiped my eyes.

"We have to find out!" Justin urged. He had just recently woke up from the coma his condition put him in.

"Try. I don't think it went directly through her heart. It looks like it only grazed it." Hope was clear in Carlos' voice.

I gently moved the hair out of Jasmine's pale face before I set my hand on the hole on her chest. I concentrated as hard as I could. The hole slowly vanished but that doesn't mean she is alive.

"How do we know if she is alive?" Liam asked, running his shaky hand through his hair.

"Only time can tell." Carlos sighed.

I scooped Jasmine up in my arms, standing up and carrying her over to her bed. I gently set her down, "Please wake up baby. I need you." I cooed, a tear falling from my face. I kissed her cheek before walking out of her room. Once I was in the hallways, I leaned my head against the wall, sobbing. I didn't know what to do with myself. I'm nothing without Jasmine.

Little footsteps moved closer and closer, "Daddy! Is that really you?"

I turned around to see my little boy looking up at me with a sincere smile on her cute little face. I cried harder at the sight of him. I ran over to him and swooped him off his feet, lifting him into my arms as I held him tightly.

My baby boy is finally in my arms again! I have missed him so much. I missed being there and watching him grow. I missed playing football (Soccor) with him. I missed all of it, even the his toddler attitude!

"It's okay daddy, don't cry." Clade wiped away my tears. I kissed his cheeks repeatedly.

"I love you buddy."

"I love you too!" He giggled. "Where's mommy? She'll be really happy to see you. She missed you a lot just like me. And she cried all the time when you were gone."

I had no idea what to say to my son, how do you tell him that his mother was too sad so she made herself go to heaven just after getting his dad back from the dead?! I can't look Claude in the eyes and tell him that. He is only about six. This whole vampire growing thingy is still confusing to me.

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