Chapter 9- Friends

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Rebekah's POV

"What's going on?" Jas asked as Clare plopped down on the couch next to her. I put in, Mean Girls, one of Jasmine's favorite movies.

"We're going to have a girls day. No boys, we're just going to talk and watch movies." I informed Jas, sitting down as well.

"Look, Jas, I know we aren't exactly best friends right now but I still care about you and I just-" Clare began, tears filling her eyes. Jasmine interrupted her by a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you!" Jas sniffled, a small smile on her face.

I was so glad we were back to our normal, close-knit friendship again! But my mind still kept wondering off to who used the hex bag to mess with Louis' brain. I'm the only which here and I certainly did NOT do it!

"Thank you girls for doing this." Jas smiled.

"Anything for a sister." Clare stated.

"Us girls have to stick together." I added.

"Damn right!" Jas laughed.

We all turned our attention to the television and our movie marathon officially started!

Zayn's POV

"So, where should we go?" Niall asked awkwardly, trying to start a conversation.

I don't know why the girls are making us have a 'boys bonding day', it's retarded! I don't want to spend a whole day being around Justin and Andrew!

I leaned my head against the limo window, remaining silent. My mind traveled to Claude, who I had left sleeping in bis toddler bed before we left. I wish I could spend the day with him, I love spending time with my son.

My heart was aching, I missed Jas terribly. It's not that I haven't seen her in a few hours, it's that we haven't really 'talked' in about a week! I don't really know why and that kills me.

Still, to this day, she takes my breath away. She's gorgeous, funny, sassy, caring, she's everything to me and I just wish I could make her see that.

There has been so much drama going on lately, it's horrible! I can only hope that everything can go back to normal, when everyone was peaceful and got along.

Suddenly, the driver stomped on the gas before everything went black!

A/N: I'M SO SORRY THIS IS A SUCKY CHAPTER! But this was.kind of a filler chapter for something big that's coming up! ;)

Comment who you want Jas to end up with!!!!

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