Chapter 17- Gone

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Zayn's POV

I winced in pain as I tried to stand up, just to fall back down again. My head was spinning, I could barely breath. I looked around but I couldn't see anything but a bright, white light shining in my face. What's going on?

My poor son! Claude must be so scared right now! I hope he's okay. I swear, if anyone lays a finger on him, I will murder them!

"Help me!" I tried to yell, but it came out more as a hoarse whisper. My throat was burning badly and I could hardly see due to the harsh light shining directly into my eyes. I couldn't tell if the bright light was from the light bulbs or if it was something totally different.

I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust my eyes but it didn't do any good.

"Zayn! I-I can't move anything. I can't feel my body!" A familiar voice cried out frantically. Jacob!

"Jacob," I said weakly. "I can't get up. Where are you?"

"I don't know. I can't see anything, the light is blindly me. I  just heard your voice."

Jacob is a sireane, which is basically a human that is immortal. He still gets hurt but heals rather quickly, kind of like a vampire. His healing process and immortality are the only advantages he has that keeps him from being labeled as a "human".

"Is this where you've been all these years?" I asked, my voice getting back to normal but the stinging pain in my throat, showing no signs of going away any time soon.

"No, I have just been passed around every week or two. There's a whole new level of evil out there, Zayn, trust me, that's who I have been experiencing." He stated, his voice going in a out, telling me he was in crucial condition.

"What did they do to you?"

"Injected me with condii." he coughed. Condii is a very rare chemical that is produced in a tree called, urithes. When condii is injected into a sireane, it slowly works its way into the sireane's blood and paralyzes them. It takes a very skilled witch take the blood out of the sirean's system before he parishes.

"Just hang in there bro, I'm gonna get us out." I assured him.

"You can't even stand up, Zayn." Jacob reminded me.

"I'll find a way, I always do."

Jasmine's POV

"It's two-thirty in the morning! Zayn would've called! Something is wrong. I can feel it." I felt tears threaten to fall as I thought about all of the horrible possibilities that could've happened.

"We don't even know where they went, Jas." Liam reminded me. "So we have no idea where to look."

"The best thing to do right now is to just wait and see what happens. If they were in danger, Zayn would've called." Harry added.

"No, you guys are wrong."

"She's right. Zayn wouldn't just take Claude and not come home." Rebekah sided with me.

"Yeah, he may be an arse sometimes but that's just not Zayn. Somethings not right." Louis chimed in.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going out to find them." I stated, quickly sliding on my flip flops.

"Where are you even going to start?" Andrew asked.

"I don't know. But something's wrong."

"You aren't going alone. We will all help." Niall spoke out for everyone.

"We should split into groups." Justin suggested before counting everyone. "There are fourteen of us so we can split up into groups of two evenly."

"Good idea. Then we can cover more ground quicker." Ty replied.

After what seemed like forever, we finally all had a partner to look for Zayn and Claude with. I was with Niall. Tessa was with Connor. Ty was with Clare. Leah was with Harry. Rebekah was with Carlos. Liam was with Louis. Andrew was with Justin.

Three of the pairs took cars and the other four walked, including Niall and I.

"Hey, they'll be okay. We're going to find them." Niall assured me as we began walking. It was pitch black out due to it being about three in the morning. Niall protectively wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I can't help but worry about them. I just have this horrible feeling in my stomach telling me something is wrong." I admitted.

"I promise you, we are going to find them." Niall stopped me and grabbed both my hands, promising me that everything will be alright. "I love you and I would go to the moon and back to make you happy." he whispered before placing a soft, sweet  kiss on my forehead, then both of my cheeks and finally, my lips.

"Love you too." I mumbled against his shoulder as I hugged him tightly.

He was about to say something but was interrupted by a loud scream!

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it was a bit short. Please vote!
Comment who you want Jasmine to end up with!!! :)

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