Chapter 24- Please Come Home

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Jasmine's POV

"Good morning." Louis smiled, propping himself up on his elbow.

"Morning." I gently kissed Louis's lips.

My bare feet hit the cold, wood floor as I made my way back  down one flight of stairs and into my room. I quickly grabbed my favorite pair of jeans, they were light blue and they faded into an almost white color. Then I grabbed a black lacy bra and underwear before walking over to my closet and grabbed one of Harry's "famous" black shirts that he gave me a while ago.

I ventured down the hallway into the empty bathroom, locking the door behind me. I stripped down, throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper in the closet. Then, I let my hair down out of the messy bun it was in. My hair fell, touching my lower back. I adjusted the water before getting in. I closed my eyes, just standing under the hot water trying to clear my head. But of course, it didn't work.

I couldn't get the nightmare I had out of my head. Maybe it was just that, a nightmare but I highly doubt it. Ever since I was turned, I have never had just a nightmare, it has always been a vision. I can't handle anyone dying. It would tear us all apart. If Zayn isn't home when I get out of the shower, I don't know what I will do. I am worried about him. My nightmare didn't show how or who is going to die, all it showed was a burial. I sighed, and grabbed the shampoo bottle.

About twenty minutes later, I was dressed and out of bathroom. On my way downstairs, I bumped into Ty.

"Sorry love." he smiled.

"It's fine. How was the full moon?" I asked.

"Just like every other. The only difference was that it was a different place." he shrugged. "Harry and Clare just finished making breakfast so head down." he added.

"Ok thanks." I walked to my room, brushing my wet hair and braiding it to the side. Once I was satisfied, I walked down to the first floor and joined the others in the dining room for breakfast.

"There she is!" Liam smirked, standing up from the table and hugging me.

"Good morning." I said.

"Morning." he replied, pulling my chair out for me. I thanked him and we all dug into our meal. As I took a bite of my waffle, I scanned the room for Zayn and when I didn't see him, my heart immediately dropped. Suddenly, I wasn't very hungry.

Rebekah noticed my sudden worry because she leaned over and whispered, "What's wrong?"

"Zayn still isn't home." I frowned.

"I'm sure he will be back soon. He's a strong guy, he'll be okay." Rebekah tried to reassure me but it didn't work.

Liam's hand rubbed soothing circles on my back. "After breakfast you and I can go out and look for him if you want."

"That would be great. But what if we still don't find him. Zayn wouldn't just not come home. Somethings wrong, Li, I can feel it."

"We'll find him." Rebekah said. I ate silently listening to everyone's small talk. I wasn't nessicarily in the mood to eat but I didn't want to be rude, Harry and Clare worked hard on breakfast.

Louis and I are going to tell everyone about my vision after breakfast. As painful as it is for me to talk about it, they deserve to know. And I know that letting them know about my vision will protect them. It's just that I don't know how to say it. Saying, 'hi, sorry to bother you but someone is going to die soon' isn't exactly comforting. There's no easy way to drop a bombshell like that. We have all been through so much together and I can't even imagine losing any of them. Just the thought of living without one of the most importnt people in my life kills me.

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