Chapter 4:zummer and treddy night

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Zacks POV:
We have just apologised to tomika and Freddy and I'm so happy they forgave us. We are going to stay round tomikas, I'm just wearing some of freddy's clothes for tonight and summer already has some at tomikas.
T: "since you guys are staying, do you guys want to watch a movie?"
S&Z&F: "sure, let's get changed first."
We watched the greatest showman and creed, we started to watch beauty and the beast, but halfway through me and Freddy realised summer and tomika were asleep so we turned it off but just decided to sleep with the girls on the couch. I kissed summers forehead and lay the blanket over us while pulling her into my side. I turned to see Freddy doing the same, then we went to sleep.

Summers POV:
I woke up lay cuddling Zack, I turned to see treddy asleep. I turned my attention back to Zack sleeping. I snuggled back into his chest as he started to wake up.
Z: "morning princess,"
S: "morning"
I kissed his lips, rough but passionately which turned into a make out for around 30mins until we were interrupted.
T: "come on cut it out,"
Just then Freddy woke up.
T: "morning Fred"
F: "morning babygirl,"
He kissed the top of her forehead.
S: "guys we better hurry up, school starts soon."
T: "okay, okay I'm coming."

Tomikas POV:
I got up to go get ready for school but then I feel Freddy grab my waist and pull me on top of him
F: "don't go,"
T: "come on we've got to get ready," I said kissing his lips and messing up his hair
F: " your going to pay for doing that,"
T: " what ever what are you going to do,"
Still holding my waist he sat up bringing me with him and started tickling me. I quickly tried to escape his grip but I failed, so I tried again and was able to escape his grip and I ran with summer upstairs to get changed.

Freddy's POV:

{about 20 mins later...}

F: "come on, we have to go."
T: "were here, can I do your hair?"
F: "no you take too long, I'm going to do it."
T: " whatever here's the keys, me and summer have to go and meet kale to talk about the website."
I am talking to zack about what just happened, I don't even understand what I did but we're going to be late.

We got to school and walked straight into the studio to see tomika, kale and summer having a meeting.
Z: "hey girls, what are you up to?"
S: " we are sorting a date for our new song and video to be released."
F: " hey Girls, T can I talk to you."
T: " fine I'll just sign this.... okay I'm coming."
T: " what do you want?"
F:  "look I'm confused,are you mad at me?"
T: " I'm just in a bad mood okay, I don't know why so don't ask, and just you saying I could do your hair. I know it's stupid."
F: "awe what's wrong, are you on your period?"
Then she slapped me.
F: "owww what was that for princess?"
T: " you do realise your being punished for that,"
F: "fine what's my punishment,"
She whispered it in my ear.
F: "WHAT?! No you can't do that, please no."

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